
Tool Reviews



Watch overview videoBuncee (3:43)


Buncee is a fun and easy tool that can be used to create interactive content that is visually appealing and multimodal. This tool is similar to Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides, but with more advanced features. Using Buncee, individuals can create stimulating presentations that can be easily accessed online through tablets or computers. This tool offers the drag and drop feature, making it easy to use for all. A great advantage of Buncee is that the user can create almost anything, using their imaginations. Although this tool presents great elements, it is not free to use after 30 days.

Justification for Using this Tool

The most important feature of Buncee is being able to provide Connectivism. The theory states that the worldwide web has created new opportunities for individuals to learn, connect and share content (Siemens, 2005). Essentially anyone with a Buncee account can access the site with the link. When thinking about this theory through an educational lens, teachers can easily connect and guide students to the information needed to answer any questions.

Buncee is a tool that can be used to create interactive presentations. In order to do so, the innovators need to adhere to the thinking skills design principle. The principle has been developed to build job-specific thinking and problem-solving skills such as creative thinking, critical thinking and metacognition (Clark & Mayer, 2011). When creating an interactive and effective Buncee presentation, the creator needs to be equipped with all three skills for the presentation to be stimulating.

Strategies for Use

Strategy 1

Watch overview videoStrategy 1– Buncee (1:16)

Buncee can be used in a variety of ways, including lessons and assessment tools. The educator can create slides that explore a topic or theory. Students can refer back to the presentation when needed. The educator is also able to create slides in which the students need to answer a series of questions. All student answers are stored in the Buncee classroom portal.

Strategy 2

Watch overview videoStrategy 2– Buncee (1:15)

Buncee can be used by students in various ways, including an interactive presentation, personal portfolio, notebook sharing or read aloud responses. When creating an interactive presentation, the tool can be used to engage students while also summarizing learning. After creating the presentation, the students can present their slides to the class and review them when needed. When thinking about a personal portfolio, notebook sharing or read aloud responses, students are given the opportunity to use their creativity to complete the task(s) designed.

Helpful Resources

Resource 1 – Buncee Tutorial

This Youtube video quickly provides a tutorial on how to use the tool Buncee. It goes through logging into the tool and creating an interactive presentation.

Resource 2 – 10 ways to use Buncee Board in the Classroom

This blog explores ten different ways to use Buncee in the Classroom.

Resource 3 – Buncee for Education Review

This review quickly summarizes the tool and provides teachers with benefits and cons.


Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2011). E-Learning and the science of instruction (3rd ed.). San Fransico, CA: Phieffer.

Siemens, G. (2005). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2(1), 3-10. Available from 


Submitted by:  Marta Masnyi
Email: marta.masnyi@ontariotechu.net
Bio: Recent Graduate of the Bachelor of Education Degree which was completed at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.

Current student of the Graduate Diploma in Education and Digital Technologies in which I am studying how to effectively integrate technology within the classroom setting.


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