
Tool Reviews



Watch overview videoWeb-based Learning Tools • Canva (3:15)

Canva assists users in the creation of professional quality media to be used in a variety of applications including both digital and print environments. Both free and paid (pro) subscriptions are available.

Canva makes it very easy to create and re-size graphical social media elements. Users have the ability to save, organize and share their files under individual profiles. Educators are able to easily create professional-looking graphics and students can use tools to demonstrate creativity in their work without any real design experience.

Justification for Using this Tool

The focus of Canva is to allow users to express their learning through creativity, which, in many ways, is foundational to learning (James, Lederman Gerard & Vagt-Traore, 2010). Embracing the Multimedia Principle which states active learning is more likely when learners are exposed to both words and images that assist with mental integration of material (Colvin Clark & Mayer, 2008) will aid in the success of lesson delivery in the classroom. The Canva platform can be effectively leveraged to add engaging multimedia to everything from handouts to lectures to hands-on learning activities.

In order to best enhance learning, educators should create and utilize their own multimedia material (Babiker, 2015). Canva offers templated and step-by-step creation of everything from newsletters to presentation, from infographics to logos. Equipped with tutorials and collaborative libraries, this application is accessible and necessary to assist educators with the changing multi-sensory learning requirements of today’s learners.

Strategies for Use

Strategy 1 – Students

Watch overview videoStrategies for use of Canva in the Classroom (for students) (0:49)

Brief overview video created by the author of some of the options Canva offers to students. Get a list of some of the tools students can create using the many templates available in Canva.

Strategy 2 – Teachers

Watch overview video Strategies for use of Canva in the Classroom (for teachers) (0:50)

Brief overview video created by the author listing some of the options Canva offers for teachers to bring some creativity into their classroom. Get some suggestions of the tools teachers can use to spruce up tired material and be inspired to update class material.

Strategy 3 – Creating Certificates

Watch overview videoHow to create certificates on Canva (2:44)

Educators can use Canva to create certificates of appreciation or achievement to reward students in the classroom. Easily produce formal certificates that can be printed on card stock and sent home as an identifier of notable achievement.

Strategy 4 – Creating Presentations

Watch overview videoCanva 2.0: Create better presentations (12:33)

Capturing students’ attention is often paramount when delivering new information and teaching curriculum. A bedrock of delivery is how it is presented. Canva offers tools to best present your information to assist you in captivating your audience.

Helpful Resources

Resource 1 – How to use Canva in Education (Video Tutorial)

This video points out valuable uses of Canva for educators, in particular. Learn about tools to use for producing teaching materials as well as options to create lessons that allow hands-on learning for students within the application.

Resource 2 – 10 ways to take your lessons to the next level with Canva (Blog)

This blog provides resources and tips to best incorporate Canva with classroom learning, educator collaboration and available resources.

Resource 2 – Canva in the classroom: Getting started, example designs and tips (Blog)

This blog provides a thorough overview of the application and details many of the available uses, requirements and options to best utilize the application.


Babiker, E. A. (2015). For Effective Use of Multimedia in Education, Teachers Must Develop Their Own Educational Multimedia Applications. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 14(4), 62–68. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1077625.pdf

Colvin Clark, R., & Mayer, R. E. (2008). e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Learners of Multimedia Learning (3rd ed.). San Fransisco, CA (USA): Pfeiffer.

James, V., Lederman Gerard, R., & Vagt-Traore, B. (2010). Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching, and Technology. In M. Orey & D. Anderson (Eds.), Creativity (pp. 104-113).  Zurich, Switzerland: Global Text.


Submitted by: Alison Sprayson
Email: alisonsprayson@gmail.com
Web Page: www.ourbrightideas.ca
Bio: Post-secondary instructor with interest in technology, marketing and instructional design.


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