

Young children

There are a few stumbling blocks for teaching talented and gifted young children. Young gifted learners are a heterogeneous group where each child develops skills and abilities at different rates, which makes it challenging to recognize. Teachers and schools are not trained to recognize advanced ability or be able to differentiate to support this population of young children. There are few opportunities for outside enrichment during the early years, especially in low-income neighborhoods.

Parents/caretakers Parents, educators, and the broader community have a responsibility to support all children as they reach for their personal best. It is essential to support the growth and development of the whole gifted child including their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical domains. According to the American National Association for Gifted Children, that support begins at home as parents and caregivers are usually the first to identify a child’s extraordinary gifts and talents (NAGC, Supporting Gifted Children). They recognize above norm abilities, interests, and passions that are different in other children they see.


Strong partnerships between parents and the early childhood professional can make an important contribution to healthy, holistic development in a young, gifted child. But this partnership can also ensure the child has a successful transition into an early childhood or school setting (Australian State Government of Victoria, 2020). According to the American National Associated for Gifted children, parents are the student’s best and sometimes only advocate for their needs and as such, teachers can expect to be interacting with parents on a regular basis (NAGC, “Supporting Gifted Children”).

Communicate regularly with parents and keep an open mind to their suggestion as they will usually be helpful for all parties involved(Australian State Government of Victoria, 2020).Do not perceive them as too pushy or overbearing, instead try tounderstand that they are parents of children who are stigmatized in school. They want their child to be successful, as you do. Parents can engage with their children to provide rich stimulation and learning experiences and discover ways to partner with schools and resources in the broader community to nurture their child’s specialized learning needs.

Communication in the classroom

It is best not to identify gifted students in the classroom as it casts them as an intellectual and social “other”. The best way to ensure a gifted student is engaged and successful in your class is to constantly give opportunities for all students to be reached (Gifted Education, “Supporting Gifted Children”). When working together in groups make sure to mix ability, but also to group ability together from time to time. This gives the opportunity for all students to develop socially as academically.


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