William Kirmse had a strong preference for mules over horses as draft animals. In the postcard below that he sent to relatives in Perry County, Missouri dated January 10, 1920, he brags about the two mules that he has recently purchased for $750. He claims that this must be the highest price for animals in Woods County, Oklahoma.

U.S. Inflation – 1910 to 2018
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index, prices in 2018 are 2,552.69% higher than prices in 1910. The dollar experienced an average inflation rate of 2.95% per year during this period.
In other words, $750 in 1910 is equivalent in purchasing power to $19,895.21 in 2018, a difference of $19,145.21 over 108 years.
The mules were highly valued animals as in today’s dollars, they each are worth about $10,000 dollars.
What Relatives Called William
Note in the upper right hand corner of the picture the written word “Willi” – This is what William’s Missouri relatives called him.
John Krueger found this photo postcard among old family correspondence and posted it on Facebook.