Book Title: Isolation Tank Gnosis
Subtitle: Truth is Senior to Reality

Book Description: A meditation intensive is where you block out the external world and devote all of your waking time to practice. Isolation Tank gnosis outlines such a meditation intensive in the floatation tank, aka isolation tank.
Book Information
Book Description
Isolation Tank Gnosis is very simple. All you need for complete spiritual enlightenment is to simply lay in an isolation tank all day and all night, taking brief excursions to the kitchen or bathroom when necessary. Historically, we have Harry Palmer’s 8-week experience with continuous floatation tank usage in the book “Living Deliberately”. This text, Isolation Tank Gnosis, give the theory, practice and history of Terrence Calvinsson de Sherleys-Womb based on his 5-week practice of the same.
Gnosis, as defined by John C. Lilly (developer of the isolation tank), is using the self to discover THE SELF as opposed to a church or group. Isolation Tank Gnosis, therefore, is leaving the self in an isolation tank long enough for THE SELF to manifest!
To the extent possible under law, Lord Terrence-Monroe Calvinsson de Sherleys-Womb has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Isolation Tank Gnosis, except where otherwise noted.
Philosophy and Religion