
This second edition of Considerations for Senior Mission Leadership in United Nations Peace Operations is a strong symbol of the Challenges Forum Partnership’s long-standing commitment to and belief in multilateral peace operations as an essential tool to support countries emerging from conflict on the path towards sustainable peace.

I would like to acknowledge the important work undertaken by the study’s target audience: mission leaders in peace operations. Mission leadership is a make-or-break factor in peace operations, and we hope Considerations will continue to serve as a contribution to this leadership.

Recognizing the significant changes facing peace operations and recalling the initial intent to make Considerations a living document, the Challenges Forum Partnership agreed at a workshop in Bali in 2016 hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to revise and expand the study. Participants in the 2017 Challenges Annual Forum in Istanbul, hosted by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Center for Strategic Studies – Challenges Forum Partners, colleagues from UN Headquarters and field missions, and researchers – identified the key emerging issues to be covered in the new edition. Deep thanks are owed to the partners who hosted regional meetings on project design and conceptualization, and discussed early drafts: the Centre for International Peace Operations in Berlin, May 2018; the Cairo International Centre for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) in Cairo, September 2018; and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) in Pretoria, March 2019. Their support enabled the Challenges Forum to further strengthen the relevance of Considerations through participatory dialogue and reflection.

This revised edition would not have been possible without the creative leadership and the generous contributions by the project’s Task Force co-chairs, who developed the intentions and ideas from Istanbul into concrete guidance and content. It has been an immense pleasure to have on board Dr Alan Ryan and Lisa Sharland (Australian Civil–Military Centre); Ambassador Ashraf Swelam, Sarah Abdelgelil and Esraa Saied (CCCPA); Jonas Alberoth, Folke Bernadotte Academy; Mark Downes (Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance); Annette Leijenaar and Gustavo de Carvalho (ISS); Gen. Rafaqat Islam and Gen. Ahmed Saeed Minhas (National Defense University of Pakistan); Col. Ryan Wolfgram and Dr Karen J Finkenbinder (Peacekeeping Stability Operations Institute, US Army War College); and Gen. Abhijit Guha (United Service Institute of India). We are also grateful to all the Partners who provided invaluable feedback at various drafting stages.

The project benefited greatly from the advice and input of its eminent Senior Advisory Group, comprised of former and current mission leaders: Joanne Adamson (Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Mali); Giles Briere (former Chief of Mission Support, MINUSTAH); Ameerah Haq (former Under-Secretary-General for the Department of Field Support), Lt. Gen. Balla Keita (former Force Commander, MINUSCA), Lt Gen. (Retd) Jasbir Lidder (former Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Force Commander in Sudan), Brig. Gen. Hester Paneras (former Police Commissioner, UNAMID and presently at the UN Office to the AU) and Amb. Farid Zarif (former Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Liberia and Kosovo). I would like to express my gratitude to Maj. Gen. (Retd) Robert Gordon, Senior Adviser to the Challenges Forum International Secretariat (CFIS) and Chair of the Senior Advisory Group. He was instrumental in the production of the first edition of Considerations, and his support throughout these four years has been essential.

This edition of Considerations was produced in close consultation with the UN Department of Peace Operations (DPO) and Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs. In particular, we are thankful for the support of DPO’s Division for Policy, Evaluation and Training. We are also grateful for the active engagement of numerous officials who have generously committed their time and expertise to review drafts and provide critical comments. I would also like to express our thanks to the UN Development Programme for its contributions since 2017, and the Development Cooperation Office.

Last but not least, I would like to highlight the excellent team effort on the part of the CFIS. In particucular, I am indebted to Isabella Björkman, who provided critical support during the start-up of the process, and to Dr Andreas Andersson and Sharon Wiharta, who have provided important leadership in guiding our Partnership during this process.

As the Challenges Forum celebrates 25 years of shaping the debate, supporting and contributing to the discourse and practice of peace operations, I am pleased to share the new edition of Considerations, and hope that it continues to be an inspiring tool for mission leaders.

Dr Björn Holmberg
Challenges Forum International Secretariat
March 2021


Considerations for Mission Leadership in United Nations Peace Operations Copyright © 2021 by International Forum for the Challenges of Peace Operations. All Rights Reserved.