59 For Instructors: Rhetorical Precis Lesson Plan

Lesson: Rhetorical Precis


Students will write a five-sentence paragraph summarizing a class reading (normally a peer-reviewed critical text, but speeches and creative pieces can also work)). The Rhetorical Precis follows a set form with each sentence playing an important role in the summary.

Students will understand…
  • How to find thesis statements and controlling ideas.
  • How to pick out and track the most important points of a reading.
  • How to hone in on the significance of a reading.
  • How to succinctly restate an argument.
  • How to concisely paraphrase a larger work.
  • How to “enter the conversation” by using secondary sources


  • What stands out to you in this reading?
  • Why does this essay/article matter?
  • How can you take notes or create notes that will save you time between reading and writing?
  • How can a precis be useful later this semester (when you are writing essays which require research?)
  • How could precis-writing help you in studying for or preparing to write for your other classes?
  • What moves is the author making to connect with their audience and get their points across?

Students will know…

  • How to cite sources in MLA Style.
  • How to annotate a reading to better track points.
  • The definitions of key analysis terms: paraphrase, summarize, quote, explain, expand, extrapolate, focus, concise, clear.

Students will be able to…

  • Identify primary and secondary sources.
  • Withhold their opinions or evaluation on the work and focus on the points as presented by the author.
  • Use reading strategies to better understand and remember the things they read for class.


Classroom Activities

  • Read a sample precis or two on a short reading or class.
    • In small groups, write a precis of the reading.
    • Share precis on a discussion thread and with the whole class to discuss strategies that worked and ways to improve.
    • Take the group-writing precis, and have each member in the group make a copy of it to edit on their own– submit for participation points.

Homework Activities

  • Read the assigned definition of the precis and the precis structure/form assignment.
  • Read the essay for thesis practice
  • Read essay/article for first precis assignment/pencil grade
  • Revise first precis after receiving instructor feedback


Students will be assessed on…

  • Following form of precis
  • Citation in MLA style
  • Format of document in MLA style
  • Peer group participation
  • Finding thesis/controlling idea
  • Including the key points
  • Indicating the conclusion
  • Concise/succinct
  • Unbiased/unevaluative
  • Analytical
  • Clarity
  • Successful paraphrasing



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