Welcome to the first-ever Pressbooks by CAP!
About this book
Enhancing Corpus Literacy and Competence for Corpus-Based Language Pedagogy for In- and Pre-service English Teachers is a public resource aiming at disseminating the knowledge about corpus-based teaching practices in language classrooms. Simply treat it as a MOOC (Mass Open Online Course), where you will find valuable learning resources and engaging activities, so you can learn effectively. This book is co-hosted on CAP (the Corpus-aided Platform for Language Teachers) and is an additional resource (in addition to the crash course on CAP) for anyone who wants to enhance their competence in corpus-based teaching practices.
Divided into two main sections, the first half of the course (Modules one to four) is going to enlighten course participants with knowledge about corpus linguistics and its application in educational settings, then empower them with the essential skills to use corpus concordancing tools and analysis software. Together, this will form the base for corpus literacy (CL). In the second half of the course (modules five to six), participants will then learn about the framework of Corpus-Based Language Pedagogy (CBLP) (Ma, 2022), an innovative way to enact corpus-based practices in real classroom settings with evidence from research support.
Features of this book
The book will showcase quality lesson designs based on CBLP, as well as video excerpts showing their actual implementation in the real classroom context. The course will also feature various interactive tasks at the end of each section. These tasks will motivate readers to try out some corpus searches using the corresponding corpus concordancing websites or tools, as well as helping to consolidate what they have learned regarding Corpus Literacy and Corpus-Based Language Pedagogy.
Course requirements
♦ A good level of English
♦ Basic computer literacy
♦ Competence in English language teaching is a plus
Target readers
♦ Any pre- and in-service English language teachers in primary, secondary, and tertiary settings
Learning goals
Readers have the following learning goals in Modules 1 to 4:
- Acquiring basic knowledge about corpus linguistics and its application in language learning and teaching
- Understanding the role of corpus linguistics in educational settings (including its impacts and potentials in academia)
- Understanding key concepts in corpus linguistics and Corpus Literacy (CL)
- Being able to master the skills necessary to operate:
♦ AT LEAST three corpus concordancing websites
♦ AT LEAST one corpus software for textual analysis
Readers have the following learning goals in Modules 5 to 6:
- Being able to design corpus-based learning materials based on the CBLP framework
- Being able to apply corpus technology for teacher’s professional development (independent ability to teach with corpora)
⇒Check out the next section for instructions on how to use this book!⇐