
SKELL (Senior secondary level)

ㅤㅤLesson plan

Ms. Xu Lu and Ms. Shu Huimin’s lesson has won the 2nd runner-up in the Corpus-based ELT Lesson Design and Teaching Competition organised by EdUHK in 2023. In this lesson, they made use of SKELL to teach some senior secondary students how to correctly use the verbs ‘say’, ‘read, and ‘write’ to express the Chinese expression 「寫著」. The reason to focus on this language pattern is because in one examination, Ms. Xu and Ms. Shu found a high error rate on the pattern “sth reads/says xxx”. A lot of students wrongly used “writes” under the influence of their first language, thinking that “sth writes xxx” means “xxx is written on sth” (in Chinese「寫著xxx」).

Applying the Corpus-based Language Pedagogy (CBLP) framework, the lesson’s ultimate goal is to help students express “xxx is written (寫著) on sth” appropriately with the help of SKELL.

ㅤㅤTeaching Video

ㅤㅤ♦ Interactive Tasks

Try out the interactive tasks below and see what you have observed from Ms. Xu Lu’s lesson and students.

1. What kind of activities were used as a lead-in for the students to detect the language errors?

2. What kind of information from the concordance lines did Ms. Xu ask the students to observe in stage three to summarise the usage patterns of ‘say’ and ‘read’?

3. Derived from the above summary, what is true about the use of ‘say’ and ‘read’ when expressing ‘xxx is written on sth’.?

4. In the last stage, Ms. Xu asked the students to review their answers in the error detection in stage one, what do you think this activity could achieve?

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Netspeak & AntConc (Tertiary level)

ㅤㅤLesson plan

The lesson by Ms. Chen Lidan, Chinita, has won the 2nd runner-up in the Corpus-based ELT Lesson Design and Teaching Competition organised by EdUHK in 2023. In this award-winning lesson, Ms. Chen made use of Netspeak to teach some undergraduate students the use of the “N+that” appositive clauses in the Business context. Applying the Corpus-based Language Pedagogy (CBLP) framework with the four lesson design principles, the lesson focuses on grammar and requires students to do some hands-on activities using Netspeak to learn the target language pattern.

ㅤㅤTeaching Video

In this short video, we captured the essence of Chinita’s teaching in 10 minutes. Complete some interactive tasks at the end and see how much you have learned by observing her teaching.

ㅤㅤ♦ Interactive Tasks

Try out the interactive tasks below and see what you have observed from Chinita’s lesson and her students.

1. What was the corpus tool used to let the students develop a hypothesis about the “N+that” appositive pattern?

2. Which wildcards on Netspeak did Chinita teach the students how to use?

3. What was the final task for the students to consolidate their learning of the “N+that” appositive pattern in the output exercise at stage four?