
EdUHK Spoken Corpus (Tertiary level)

ㅤㅤLesson Plan

This lesson focusing on pronunciation was created by Cynthia. In this lesson, Cynthia taught freshmen in English Major how to improve their use pronunciation of two affricates /tʃ/ & /dʒ/ in English.

The lesson basically follows the Corpus-based Language Pedagogy (CBLP) framework with the four basic lesson design principles.

ㅤㅤTeaching Video

In this short video, we captured the essence of Ms. Qian’s teaching within 10 minutes. Complete some interactive tasks at the end and see how much you have learned by observing her teaching.

ㅤㅤ♦ Interactive Tasks

Try out the interactive tasks below and see what you have observed from Ms. Qian’s lesson.

1. What were the five teaching steps of the lesson? Drag the steps to arrange them in the correct sequence.

2. What was the full name of the corpus used in this lesson?

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