
SKELL & Netspeak (Tertiary level)

This lesson focusing on vocabulary was co-created by Dr. Cheung Lok Ming Eric and Lau Shuk Yiu Sylvia, who have won the Championship in the Corpus-based ELT Lesson Design and Teaching Competition organised by EdUHK in 2023. In this award-winning lesson, Dr. Cheung and Sylvia primarily made use of SKELL and Netspeak to teach some undergraduate students how to differentiate some easily confused word pairs, for example, “affect” vs. “effect”, and “impact” vs. “influence”. During the lesson, Dr. Cheung and Sylvia also devised a game – a Grammar Battle – to engage and motivate students. You may find that, in the teaching video, Sylvia herself was also one of the students to attend the lesson. She was trying to experience the whole lesson as a student, which served a means to let her and Dr. Cheung reflect how the lesson was designed.

The lesson follows the Corpus-based Language Pedagogy (CBLP) framework with the four basic lesson design principles we introduced previously.

ㅤㅤLesson Plan


ㅤㅤTeaching Video

In this short video, we captured the essence of Dr. Cheung teaching in 10 minutes.  Complete some interactive tasks at the end and see how much you have learned by observing their teaching.


ㅤㅤ♦ Interactive Tasks

Try out the interactive tasks below and see what you have observed from Dr. Cheung and Sylvia’s lesson and students.

1. Which three basic grammatical concepts did Dr. Cheung go over with the students before the lead-in?

2. In Stage 3, what functions of SKELL did Dr. Cheung ask the students to use to differentiate the tone associated with the confusing word pairs?

3. What symbols were used on Netspeak to teach the students how to compare the usage patterns of the confusing word pairs?

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Lextutor (Tertiary level)

This lesson focusing on vocabulary and grammar was created by Ms. Sophia Huang Shiya, who has won the 2nd runner-up in the Corpus-based ELT Lesson Design and Teaching Competition organised by EdUHK in 2023. In this award-winning lesson, Sophia made use of Lextutor to teach some 1st year English Major students what phrasal verbs are and how distinguish separable and inseparable phrasal verbs. The lesson was intended to teach novice corpus users, and aimed at consolidating these 1st year students’ prior knowledge about phrasal verbs with the additional help from linguistic corpus.

Same as other lessons, Sophia also followed the Corpus-based Language Pedagogy (CBLP) framework with the four basic lesson design principles we introduced previously, but she has made slight adaptations.

ㅤㅤLesson plan

ㅤㅤTeaching Video

In this short video, we captured the essence of Sophia’s teaching in 10 minutes. Complete some interactive tasks at the end and see how much you have learned by observing her teaching.

ㅤㅤ♦ Interactive Tasks

Try out the interactive tasks below and see what you have observed from Sophia’s lesson and students.

1. What did Sophia ask before introducing the corpus Lextutor to the students?

2. Were the students familiar with the use of corpus/corpora to find language examples before the class?

3. Did Sophia adopt the direct approach to let students conduct hands-on corpus searches?