
3.1 Extractions

The extraction of teeth is the most common procedure in OMS. Indication for tooth extraction include tooth decay, periodontal disease, over-crowding (orthodontics), oral oncology, and trauma to the teeth and jaws.

Extractions require the Aseptic Technique protocols, and are performed with or without Sedation.


Surgical Tray (includes upper and lower universal forceps)

• Indicated Forcep:








Bird Beak






Handpiece, 703, and Round Bur (add 702 Bur)







Pott’s Elevators






Root Tip Elevators




Barriers (light handle, etc)
Patient Drape
Sterile Saline (NaCl .09%)
Scalpel Blade
Suction Tubing

Yankauer Suction




Preoperative Considerations:
• Follow written Pre Op Instructions (sedation).
 Check if a denture will be placed following extraction: ensure that denturist or dentist has coordinated fabrication.

Intraoperative Considerations:
Socket or ridge preservation often occurs at time of extraction in preparation for a future implant: ensure that grafting materials are in the operatory.
Excessive bleeding during extraction may require the use of cauterization. Ensure that the cautery unit is at hand.
Effective assisting is required: do not desiccate socket with suction: be mindful of the inferior alveolar nerve (during lower third molar extraction), and the maxillary sinus (during upper molar extraction).

Postoperative Considerations:
• Follow written Post Op Extraction instructions, AND advise patient not to rinse if grafting has been placed following extraction.
Follow written Post Op Wisdom Teeth instructions.