
3.6 Implant Systems

Note: This page does not endorse one specific implant system. Further, the resources are examples of how CDAs can organize the discrete implant system used in their practice – implant systems are constantly evolving – the best way to stay current in practice is to connect with implant ‘reps.’ Implant surgical kits, components and drilling protocols are categorized in surgical manuals.

Examples of surgical manuals include Dentsply Astra’s Implant Surgical Manual and Nobel Biocare’s All-on-4 Product Overview. Each implant manufacturer will have similar manuals available on their websites, or from the ‘reps.’

It is important for the CDA to have a thorough understanding of kits, components, and drilling protocols. 

There are many implants systems. Here is a customizable template that categorizes implant components:
Implant System Components

It is also important to have visual representation of implant kits for set-up and processing

Dentsply Astra:

Astra Surgical Kit
Astra Guided Kit
Astra Processing Kit

Biomet 3i:

3i Surgical Kit (upper tray)
3i Surgical Kit (bottom tray)
3i Processing Kit

Nobel Biocare:

Nobel Surgical Kit
Nobel Guided Kit
Nobel Processing Kit


Straumann Surgical Kit (upper tray)
Straumann Surgical Kit (lower tray)
NEW Straumann Surgical Kit (upper tray)
NEW Straumann Surgical Kit (bottom tray)
Straumann Processing Kit

Virtual Guided: The X-Guide facilitates all implant systems


Universal Kits: Densa Burs offer an alternative to traditional drilling systems – osseodensification refers to the compaction of bone during the osteotomy.