
Incorporating corpus-based English lesson design and teaching indeed has revolutionised the way teachers approach language instruction. In all previous modules, we have learned the pivotal roles of corpus literacy (CL) and corpus-based language pedagogy (CBLP). It is heartening to witness that more and more pre-service and practising teachers have realised and materialised these research-based practices, and put them into action in real language classroom settings.

In this section, we will highlight the reflection of some teachers who implemented CBLP in language instruction. Their sharing, each with different foci, may illuminate you when you design corpus-based English lessons on your own, and remind you of the most important things teachers shall pay attention to in order to improve your teaching.

ㅤㅤ♦ COCA for primary 3 level

‘Do’, ‘Play’, and ‘Go’ with COCA

by Dottie

ㅤㅤ♦ SKELL and Netspeak for Tertiary level

Increasing Vocabulary Power for Writing through Differentiating Confusing Word Pairs “Affect” vs “Effect”, “Impact” vs “Influence” (watch teaching video )

by Dr. Eric Cheung and Sylvia

ㅤㅤ♦ Lextutor for tertiary level

Phrasal Verbs (watch teaching video )

By Sophia Huang