4.3 The Writing Center at LCCC

LCCC’s Writing Center is located in Stocker Arts Center, room 217 (SC 217). You can stop by to learn more about the Writing Center’s services. You can also visit the Writing Center Canvas page, which includes online writing resources and information about Writing Center programming.

Writing coaches and tutors are available to help students with every stage of the writing process from planning to drafting and revision. Coaches are especially familiar with the assignments in English courses, but they are also available to help with writing assignments in any course as well as with resume and cover letter writing. You can schedule an online or in-person appointment, or you can just drop in. The Writing Center also has regular workshops on common writing concerns.

You can schedule your appointment online using Accudemia. You can also contact Tutoring at (440) 366-4057 or tutoringcenter@lorainccc.edu to schedule.

Continue Reading: 4.4 Excelsior and the Online Writing Lab at Purdue


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Composition for Commodores Copyright © 2024 by Mollie Chambers; Karin Hooks; Donna Hunt; Kim Karshner; Josh Kesterson; Geoff Polk; Amy Scott-Douglass; Justin Sevenker; Jewon Woo; and other LCCC Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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