Thematic Reading Anthology

NOTE TO STUDENTS: In order to access these readings, you will need an LCCC email address and password. When you click on the links below, you will be prompted to log in to the Bass Library system in the same way you log in to MyCampus and Canvas. Some of these links will take you directly to a PDF or HTML version of the reading selection. Other links will take you to the library’s catalogue page for the selection where you will have to use the “Full Text Finder” link to access the reading in a different database. You can read the selections online or print them, and many are available to download.



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Composition for Commodores Copyright © 2024 by Mollie Chambers; Karin Hooks; Donna Hunt; Kim Karshner; Josh Kesterson; Geoff Polk; Amy Scott-Douglass; Justin Sevenker; Jewon Woo; and other LCCC Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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