This bibliography is intended as an introduction to the published work of Ken Saro-Wiwa. For more detailed bibliographic information, see Craig McLuckie and James Gibbs “An Annotated Bibliography” in Craig W. McLuckie and Aubrey McPhail. Eds. Ken Saro-Wiwa: Writer and Political Activist (Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 2000), pp. 245-284.

On a Darkling Plain: An Account of the Nigerian Civil War. Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1989.
Nigeria: The Brink of Disaster. Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1991.
Similia: Essays on Anomic Nigeria. London: Saros International, 1991.
Genocide in Nigeria: The Ogoni Tragedy. Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1992.
The Ogoni Nation Today and Tomorrow. Second Edition. Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1993.
“Closing Statement to the Military Appointed Tribunal.” ALA Bulletin.21.4(1995): 3-4.
A Month and a Day: A Detention Diary. London: Penguin, 1995.
A Month and a Day and Letters. Foreword by Wole Soyinka. Oxford: Ayebia Clark Publishing Limited, 2005.
Note: A Month and a Day is a memoir recounting Saro-Wiwa’s political activism and involvement with MOSOP up until his release from his first detention on 22nd July 1993. It was published during the year of his execution in 1995. A 2005 reprint entitled A Month and a Day and Letters includes the full text of A Month and a Day supported by other documents. These include some letters written by Saro-Wiwa during his second detention from 22nd May 1994 to 10th November 1995 as well as poems and tributes to Saro-Wiwa by writers and statespeople from around the world. One of the letters in that volume is reprinted in this volume. It is the author’s last letter to Sr. Majella McCarron. Dated 14th September 1995, it is recognized as his last recorded letter. This volume places it into the context of the author’s two year correspondence with McCarron which covers the period 20 October 1993 to 14 September 1995 that was not documented by the author in A Month and a Day.
Sozaboy: A Novel in Rotten English Port Harcourt: Saros International Publishers, 1985. Reprinted London: Longman, 1994.
A Forest of Flowers Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1986. Reprinted Harlow: Longman, 1995.
Basi and Company: A Modern African Folktale Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1987.
Prisoner of Jebs Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1988.
Adaku and Other Stories Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1989.
The Singing Anthill: Ogoni Folktales Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1990.
Pita Dumbrok’s Prison Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1991.
Lemona’s Tale London: Penguin, 1996.
Television and Stage Plays
Basi and Company: Four Television Plays Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1987.
Four Farcical Plays London: Saros International, 1989.
Songs in a Time of War Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1985.
Children’s Books
Tambari Lagos: Longman, 1973.
Tambari in Dukana Lagos: Longman, 1979.
Mr. B Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1987.
Mr. B Saros Junior Series 2. London and Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1989.
Mr. B Goes to Lagos Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1989.
Mr. B Goes to the Moon Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1989.
A Bride for Mr. B Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1983.
Mr. B is Dead London: Saros International, 1991.
Mr. B’s Mattress London: Saros International, 1992.
Segi Finds the Radio Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1991.
A Shipload of Rice London: Saros International, 1991.
The Transistor Radio (Port Harcourt: Saros International, 1989.