OUR THANKS FIRST OF ALL to Sr. Majella McCarron for this generous dona­tion which reflects so much of her own life’s work. Thanks too to John O’Shea who formed the connection between Sr. Majella and Maynooth University. In Maynooth University, thanks are due to Cathal McCauley, University Librarian, for much support with the proj­ect and to all the library staff who assisted in various ways. Sincere thanks to Dr Ciara Gallagher, postdoctoral scholar in the English Department, for transcription and other work on the original manuscript. The publication of the first edition of this book was made possible with the support of Maynooth University and Trócaire.

Thanks also to the Saro-Wiwa family, in particular Owens Wiwa, the late Ken Wiwa and Noo Saro-Wiwa for their support for this project.


Silence Would Be Treason Copyright © 2018 by Íde Corley; Helen Fallon; and Laurence Cox. All Rights Reserved.

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