
We encourage you to craft an accessibility statement that personalizes your approach to learning and inclusion in the classroom. We’ve included some examples below that can be modified to suit your classroom context and teaching approach.

Inclusivity, Accessibility and Accommodations: McMaster University and your instructors are committed to creating an equitable and accessible environment and to encouraging openness to multiple perspectives and points of view. If you have a dis/ability or health consideration that may require accommodations, please feel free to approach one of the instructors and/or Student Accessibility Services as soon as possible to discuss accommodations. [The Faculty Accessibility Resource Guide, McMaster University, 2015, p. 9-10]
The School of Social Work recognizes that people learn and express their knowledge in different ways. We are committed to reducing barriers to accessibility in the classroom, and working towards classrooms that welcome diverse learners. If you have accessibility concerns or want to talk about your learning needs, please be in touch with the course instructor. [School of Social Work, McMaster University, Winter 2017]
Inclusivity/Universal Design Principles: I will be providing detailed notes via Avenue2Learn for all students prior to our classes each week. There are no multiple choice examinations or examinations to be held during the examination period. Disclosures to the instructor of personal issues, illness or injury or extenuating circumstances are not required for accommodation requests. Students will not be called upon in class unless they indicate a willingness to contribute. I am both approachable and flexible so please feel free to contact me as soon as learning needs or concerns arise so that I can help anyway I can. I understand that not all needs are foreseeable as well so I can also help with alternative assignments and make-up work planning to foster successful learning and completion of the course. Please see below the University policy on academic accommodation for students with disabilities. [Dr. Ameil Joseph, McMaster University, 2017, p. 2]
Your well-being and success in this course are important to me. I recognize that there are *multiple* ways to learn and that this multiplicity should be acknowledged in the design and structure of university courses and the evaluation of their participants. Thus, I encourage students registered in the course to discuss their learning styles and comprehension requirements with me during my office hours or, if necessary, at another arranged time. Every student is entitled to a meaningful and stimulating learning experience. Disabled students are also strongly encouraged to avail themselves of the services provided by the campus Accessibility Services Office, including the provision of note-takers, extra time for assignments, transcribers, and sign-language interpreters. The Accessibility Services Office is located on the first floor of Robarts Library, 130 St. George St., or visit the Accessibility Services website at: http://studentlife.utoronto.ca/accessibility.htm for more information. In addition, you can call OISE Student Services at (416) 987-2277 or visit the OISE Student Services website. [Dr. Shelley Tremain, University of Toronto, 2015]
With respect to disability, I take a critical approach in this course. This means that, if for reasons of self-identified health/mental health/madness/disability or other circumstance, students are not able to complete an assignment by the due date, be present physically or engaged intellectually in class, they are encouraged to contact me to discuss alternatives as soon as possible prior to any deadlines.  It also means that all students recognize such challenges in the classroom and in work with peers. Of course, students with disabilities or health concerns can register with the Access Centre at Ryerson, POD 61. Phone: 416-979-5094, TTY: 416-979-5274; accessfrontdesk@ryerson.ca. Please note that we always welcome your feedback on accessibility issues related to this course.  Please provide your feedback to your instructor or to the Associate Director, Undergraduate Program. [School of Social Work, Ryerson University, 2015, p. 15]
In the spirit of Universal Design for Learning, I will strive to provide an environment that is equitable and conducive to achievement and learning for all students. I ask that we all be respectful of diverse opinions and of all class members, regardless of personal attribute. I encourage persons with disabilities or particular needs that impact on performance to meet with me to co-design accommodations, if necessary, beyond those listed under UDL. I ask that we all use inclusive language in written and oral work. Students with disabilities may also want to register with the Office of Disability Resources, located at 19 Campus Ave. Bldg. [Dr. Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson in Wood & Madden, n.d.]



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