
Accessibility can be taken up and applied to all components of a course or lesson. This is described further in the chart below:

In all components of teaching, including:

Learning Outcomes Intentions for what students are to learn
Teaching and Learning Activities How students will learn the intended learning outcomes:


Materials students will use to learn the intended learning outcomes

  • e.g. readings, lab equipment, case studies, artifacts, specimens, films, software


Teaching and learning approaches that will be used to facilitate student learning of intended learning outcomes

  • e.g. lectures, tutorials, group work, community-engagement, fieldwork, rehearsals


Spaces in which learning of intended learning outcomes will occur

  • e.g. Avenue2Learn, physical classroom, field site, co-op placement, archive, studio
Assessments How students will demonstrate their achievement of intended learning outcomes and how instructors will evaluate this learning

  • e.g. presentation, performance, prototype, role play, exam, essay, report, reflection, thesis

Circle diagram illustrating the stages where all the components of accessible education apply: learning outcomes, teaching and learning materials, teaching and learning methods, teaching and learning environment, and assessment

The diagram above depicts how there are things we can do to mediate barriers throughout all components of teaching and learning to enhance access for all. Accessible Education involves moving through these components in an ongoing, cyclical way.


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