Guidelines for Doubling in SATB Writing
Chord Type | Preference of Doubling |
All diatonic triads in root position | – Most common is to double the root of the chord (the bass) – Also possible to double the 3rd of the chord Avoid the root position viio triad except in the diatonic sequence |
Primary triads in first inversion | – Most common to double the root or 5th of the chord (i.e., do not double the bass) – Also possible to double the 3rd (in I |
Secondary triads in first inversion | – Most common to double the 3rd of the chord (the bass) – Also possible to double the root of the chord Exception: Double the 5th in viio6 with fa in the soprano |
Primary triads in second inversion | – Double the 5th of the chord (the bass) only in I |
Other considerations:
- Avoid doubling tendency tones (leading tones and chord 7ths)
- When the 5th of a triad is omitted, triple the root (Inc)
- When the 5th of a seventh chord is omitted, double the root (Inc)
- Inversions of seventh chords normally have all four notes present
- Never omit the 3rd of a chord
- Scale degrees 1, 2, 4, and 5 (do, re, fa, so) are doubled most often. Scale degrees 3 and 6 (mi, la) less often. Scale degree 7 (ti) rarely.