
How to Learn to Sing a Melody

  1. Count and clap the rhythms only.

  2. Identify the key. Find do and name all the notes with their appropriate solfège syllables.

  3. Speak the solfège syllables in the appropriate rhythm.

  4. Sing an arpeggio of the tonic chord (for example: dm – sd’sm – d  or  dm – sm – ds,d) to establish do and find a comfortable vocal range that encompasses the range of the melody. Make sure to sing me if in a minor key.

  5. Sing the melody using nonsense syllables.

  6. Sing the melody with solfège syllables in a slow tempo.

  7. Once comfortable, perform the melody with correct tempo, dynamics, and phrasing.

  8. Memorize the melody.

  9. Be able to write the melody in the original key and in a variety of other keys and clefs.

Learning a large number of melodies through the above steps ultimately will lead to fluent sight reading skills.


Harmony and Musicianship with Solfège Copyright © by Laszlo Cser and Daniel Wanner. All Rights Reserved.