
40 ii7 – V7 – Imaj7 in Jazz

Basic jazz harmony theory is explained through the ii7 V7 Imaj7 progression in major, and the iiø7 V7 i6/9 progression in minor. 



Memorize the ii7 V7 Imaj7 sequential progressions in all major keys. The Imaj7 is often replaced with a Iadd6 chord.

Using the above chart, realize and play the following progressions at the keyboard in 5 voices, descending both by whole step and by half step. Note that #1a has two sets: one starting on C and another starting on D\musFlat{}.




Memorize the iiø7 V7 i6/9 sequential progressions in all major keys. (A common variant for the minor tonic is the minor 6/9 chord.)

Using the above chart, realize and play the sequential progressions at the keyboard in 5 voices, descending both by whole step and by half step. Note that #2a has two sets: one starting on C and another starting on C\musSharp{}.


Harmony and Musicianship with Solfège Copyright © by Laszlo Cser and Daniel Wanner. All Rights Reserved.