
Chromatic Sequential Broken Chord Drills

First practice the sequential broken chord drills with diatonic seventh chords. The diatonic seventh chords are altered below into secondary dominants and diminished seventh chords.

Provide full analysis. Note the ascending and descending chromatic bass lines. (For a review, see the chapter on Chromatic Sequences.)


1. Secondary dominant sequence – major

Sing the bass.

Sing as arpeggiated broken chords. Once comfortable, hold the bass note at the keyboard and sing the broken chords.



2. Secondary dominant seventh sequence – major

Sing the bass.

Sing as arpeggiated broken chords. Once comfortable, hold the bass note at the keyboard and sing the broken chords.



3. Secondary diminished seventh chord sequence – major

Sing the bass.

Sing as arpeggiated broken chords. Once comfortable, hold the bass note at the keyboard and sing the broken chords.



4. Secondary dominant seventh sequence – minor

Sing the bass.

Sing as arpeggiated broken chords. Once comfortable, hold the bass note at the keyboard and sing the broken chords.



5. Secondary dominant and secondary seventh chords – minor

Sing the bass.

Sing as arpeggiated broken chords. Once comfortable, hold the bass note at the keyboard and sing the broken chords.



6. Secondary dominant seventh and diminished seventh chords – minor

Sing the bass.

Sing as arpeggiated broken chords. Once comfortable, hold the bass note at the keyboard and sing the broken chords.



7. Secondary dominant seventh and diminished seventh chords – minor

Sing the bass.

Sing as arpeggiated broken chords. Once comfortable, hold the bass note at the keyboard and sing the broken chords.



8. Perfect circle of fifths sequence – major

Sing the bass, then the soprano.


Harmony and Musicianship with Solfège Copyright © by Laszlo Cser and Daniel Wanner. All Rights Reserved.