Singular value decomposition (SVD) theorem
Theorem: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
An arbitrary matrix
where the positive numbers
Proof: The matrix is real and symmetric. According to the spectral theorem, it admits an eigenvalue decomposition in the form
, with
matrix whose columns form an orthonormal basis (that is,
), and
. Here,
is the rank of
then there are no trailing zeros in
). Since
is positive semi-definite, the
‘s are non-negative, and we can define the non-zero quantities
Note that when , since then
Let us construct an orthogonal matrix
as follows. We set
These -vectors are unit-norm, and mutually orthogonal since
‘s are eigenvectors of
. Using (say) the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, we can complete (if necessary, that is in the case
) this set of vectors by
in order to form an orthogonal matrix
Let us check that satisfy the conditions of the theorem, by showing that
We have
where the second line stems from the fact that when
. Thus,
, as claimed.