

36.1. Solution set

Consider a linear equation

    \[ Ax = y, \]

where A \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n} and y \in \mathbb{R}^m are given. We can completely describe the set of solutions via SVD, as follows. Let us assume that A admits an SVD given here. With A = U\tilde{S}V^T pre-multiply the linear equation by the inverse of U, U^T; then we express the equation in terms of the rotated vector \tilde{x} = V^Tx. This leads to

    \[ \tilde{S}\tilde{x}=\tilde{y}, \]

where \tilde{y} := U^Ty is the “rotated” right-hand side of the equation.

Due to the simple form of \tilde{S}, the above writes

    \[ \begin{aligned} \sigma_i \tilde{x}_i &= \tilde{y}_i, & i &= 1, \ldots, r, \\ 0 &= \tilde{y}_i, & i &= r+1, \ldots, m.  \end{aligned} \]

Two cases can occur:

  • If the last m-r components of \tilde{y} are not zero, then the above system is infeasible, and the solution set is empty. This occurs when y is not in the range of A.
  • If y is in the range of A, then the last set of conditions in the above system hold, and we can solve for \tilde{x} with the first set of conditions:

    \[ \tilde{x}_i = \frac{\tilde{y}_i}{\sigma_i}, \quad i = 1,\ldots, r. \]

The last n-r components of \tilde{x} are free. This corresponds to elements in the nullspace of A. If A is full column rank (its nullspace is reduced to {0}, then there is a unique solution.

36.2. Pseudo-inverse


The solution set is conveniently described in terms of the pseudo-inverse of A, denoted by A^\dagger, and defined via the SVD of A:

    \[ A = U \tilde{S} V^T, \quad \tilde{S} = \textbf{diag}(\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_r,0,\ldots,0), \]

as one with the same SVD, with non-zero singular values inverted, and the matrix \tilde{S} transposed:

    \[ A^\dagger := V \tilde{S}^\dagger U^T, \quad \tilde{S} = \textbf{diag}(\sigma_1^{-1},\ldots,\sigma_r^{-1},0,\ldots,0). \]

The pseudo-inverse of a matrix is always well-defined, and it has the same size as the transpose A^T. When the matrix is invertible (it is square and full column or row rank: m=n=r), then it reduces to the inverse.

Example: pseudo-inverse of a 4 \times 5 matrix.

Link with solution set

From the above development, we see that the solution set can be written as

    \[ \mathbf{S} = \left\{ A^\dagger y + z :~ z \in \mathbf{N}(A) \right\}, \]

where \mathbf{N}(A) is the nullspace of A. Both A^\dagger and a basis for the nullspace can be computed via the SVD.

Case when A is full rank

If A is full column rank, the pseudo-inverse can be written as

    \[ A^\dagger = (A^T A)^{-1} A^T. \]

In that case, A^\dagger is a left-inverse of A, since A^\dagger A = I_n.

If A is full row-rank, then the pseudo-inverse can be written as

    \[ A^\dagger = A^T (A A^T)^{-1}. \]

In that case, A^\dagger is a right-inverse of A, since A A^\dagger = I_m.

36.3. Sensitivity analysis and condition number

Sensitivity analysis refers to the process of quantifying the impact of changes in the linear equations’ coefficients (the matrix A and vector y) on the solution. To simplify, let us assume that A is square and invertible, and analyze the effects of errors in y only. The condition number of the matrix A quantifies this.

We start from the linear equation above, which has the unique solution x = A^{-1} y. Now assume that y is changed into y + \delta y, where \delta y is a vector that contains the changes in y. Let’s denote by x + \delta x the new solution, which is A^{-1} (y + \delta y). From the equations:

    \[ \delta x = A^{-1} \delta y, \]

and using the definition of the largest singular value norm, we obtain:

    \[ \|\delta x\|_2 \leq \|A^{-1}\| \cdot \|\delta y\|_2, \quad \|y\|_2 \leq \|A\| \cdot \|x\|_2. \]

Combining the two inequalities we get:

    \[ \frac{\|\delta x\|_2}{\|x\|_2} \leq \kappa(A) \cdot \frac{\|\delta y\|_2}{\|y\|_2}, \]

where \kappa(A) is the condition number of A, defined as:

    \[ \kappa(A) := \|A\| \cdot \|A^{-1}\|. \]

We can express the condition number as the ratio between the largest and smallest singular values of A:

    \[ \kappa(A) = \frac{\sigma_1(A)}{\sigma_n(A)}. \]

The condition number gives a bound on the ratio between the relative error in the left-hand side to that of the solution. We can also analyze the effect of errors in the matrix itself on the solution. The condition number turns out to play a crucial role there as well.


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