Standard forms
Functional form
An optimization problem is a problem of the form
is the decision variable;
is the objective function, or cost;
represent the constraints;
is the optimal value.
In the above, the term ‘‘subject to’’ is sometimes replaced with the shorthand colon notation.
Often the above is referred to as a ‘‘mathematical program’’. The term “programming” (or “program”) does not refer to a computer code. It is used mainly for historical purposes. We will use the more rigorous (but less popular) term “optimization problem”.
Example: An optimization problem in two variables.
Epigraph form
In optimization, we can always assume that the objective is a linear function of the variables. This can be done via the epigraph representation of the problem, which is based on adding a new scalar variable :
At optimum, . In the above, the objective function is
, with values
We can picture this as follows. Consider the sub-level sets of the objective function, which are of the form for some
. The problem amounts to finding the smallest
for which the corresponding sub-level set intersects the set of points that satisfy the constraints.
Example: Geometric view of the optimization problem in two variables.
Other standard forms
Sometimes we single out equality constraints, if any:
where ‘s are given. Of course, we may reduce the above problem to the standard form above, representing each equality constraint by a pair of inequalities.
Sometimes, the constraints are described abstractly via a set condition, of the form for some subset
. The corresponding notation is
Some problems come in the form of maximization problems. Such problems are readily cast in standard form via the expression
where .