
Just as with a commercial textbook, you may find that your selected OER doesn’t cover all the necessary content to meet your course objectives. But, the difference in using OER is that you can adapt it or mold it to fit your ideal. You have a wonderful opportunity to reimagine your course now that you have selected the OER that will be the course materials your students use to learn about the content you are teaching. In this module we encourage you to review and evaluate your course goals and then adjust, revise, and/or remix OER to meet the needs of your learners, as set forth in those goals. You no longer need to be satisfied with what is handed to you: balancing what a commercial textbook offers while you make decisions to keep costs and number of materials low for students registered. OER gives you the freedom to say, “This text can be better” and then supplement or remix it with additional OER content. This is why, in this second module, the content we are sharing will address the second of the 3 ‘big idea’ questions you need to consider on your OER adoption journey:

How do you determine your instructional needs now that you are no longer bound by commercial texts/content?”


Module Objectives

By the end of the module, you should be able to:

  • Curate OER course materials to ensure meeting your learning goals
  • Use a course map to evaluate your course and course materials for gaps and areas of overlap
  • Modify an open textbook to ensure it meets the learning goals you set for your course, if desired and/or needed


Navigate to the next chapter called Combining OER Resources to Meet Learner Needs


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The OER Adoption Journey Copyright © 2022 by nicolepfannenstiel; Kimberly Auger; and Matthew Fox is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.