
115 Chicago Style and Format

Chicago In-Text Citations

“This is a quote.”1

In Chicago Notes-Bibliography style, after the quotation or paraphrased section you need to cite, click the “References” tab at the top of the page, and select “Insert Footnote.” Alternatively, you could also select the segment of your paper that needs citation and hold down “Ctrl + Alt + F” to insert a footnote.


Footnote: First name Last name, Title of Work (City: Publisher, year), page.2

Bibliography: Last name, First name. Title of Work. City: Publisher, year.

Journal Articles

Footnote: First name Last name, “Article Title,” Journal Title Volume Number, Issue Number (Year): page number, URL/DOI.3

Bibliography: Last name, First Name. “Article Title.” Journal Title Volume Number, Issue Number (Year): page numbers. URL/DOI.


When using a source again, after the first time, the footnote will look like:

Last name, Abbreviated Title, page number.4


If you have two consecutive notes from the same source, you may drop the title of the work for the subsequent note.

Last name, page number.5


If possible, avoid using Ibid. for notes referencing citations from the same source. This could potentially cause confusion if the paper is published electronically with hyperlinks for the reference notes.

To see these instructions in Chicago Style, here is a pdf: Chicago Style Citations

Detailed instructions for Footnotes:

· Note numbers should begin with “1” and follow consecutively throughout a given paper.

· In the text:

o Note numbers are superscripted.

o Note numbers should be placed at the end of the clause or sentence to which they refer and should be placed after all punctuation, except for the dash.

· In the notes themselves:

o Note numbers are full-sized, not raised, and followed by a period (superscripting note numbers in the notes themselves is also acceptable).

o Lines within a footnote should be formatted flush left. Place commentary after source documentation when a footnote contains both; separate commentary and documentation by a period.

§ In parenthetical citation, separate documentation from brief commentary with a semicolon.

§ Do not repeat the hundreds digit in a page range if it does not change from the beginning to the end of the range.

Chicago Bibliography

· Label the first page of your back matter, your comprehensive list of sources, “Bibliography” (for Notes and Bibliography style) or “References” (for Author Date style).

· Leave two blank lines between “Bibliography” or “References” and your first entry.

· Leave one blank line between remaining entries.

· List entries in letter-by-letter alphabetical order according to the first word in each entry.

o For two to three authors, write out all names.

o For four to ten authors, write out all names in the bibliography but only the first author’s name plus “et al.” in notes and parenthetical citations.

o When a source has no identifiable author, cite it by its title, both on the references page and in shortened form (up to four keywords from that title) in parenthetical citations throughout the text.

o Write out publishers’ names in full.

o Do not use access dates unless publication dates are unavailable.

o If you cannot ascertain the publication date of a printed work, use the abbreviation “n.d.”

o Provide DOIs instead of URLs whenever possible.

o If you cannot name a specific page number when called for, you have other options: section (sec.), equation (eq.), volume (vol.), or note (n.).

Chicago Paper Format

Here are instructions on Chicago format as well as an example paper: Chicago Handout with Samples


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First-Year Composition Copyright © 2021 by Jackie Hoermann-Elliott and Kathy Quesenbury is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.