
121 Organization


How to Write a Paragraph with Quotations
(Graphic Organizer)

This organizer might help you when you are stuck for ideas. Plan on having more than point in a paragraph. Yes, you really do need more than point. I recommend having (at least) 2-3 sub-points with quotes per paragraph.

Topic Sentence: This is the idea you are going to discuss in the whole paragraph. Everything must connect back to this one sentence.

*If this is part of an essay, this paragraph must also go back to support your thesis in the introduction.

Ex: Basset hounds make for great house pets and helpers to small-game hunters.

Point #1

Your first sub-point: Although they can be lazy at times, they are a food-motivated breed and, as a result, are easy to convince to move and are highly trainable.

Evidence #1:

A researched quote or paraphrase from a good source: “These food-loving dogs are likely to respond to a stash of yummy treats” (Caldwell, “The Basset Hound).

Connecting Back #1:

A well-developed explanation connecting your claim and your first quote: With some time and cookies, BH become eager and obedient.

Point #2

Your second sub-point: Basset Hounds are classified as hunting dogs, specifically scent hounds. Their keen nose is particularly good for hunting rabbit and other small game and bred for that purpose.

Evidence #2:

A researched quote or paraphrase from a good source: In 700AD, St. Hubert—a monk and member of the French nobility—took an interest in developing the perfect dog for hunting rabbits and other small game, hence the development of the basset hound (Caldwell, “The Basset Hound).

Dogs are happiest when they get to do what they were bred for. Basset Hounds are scent hounds, dogs that were bred to hunt by scent, over long distances and varying terrain and for several hours (“How to Scent Train a Basset Hound”).

Connecting Back #2:

A well-developed explanation connecting your claim and your first quote: Basset Hounds are happy to help their hunter owners, as their natural scenting instincts kick in, and they love the exercise, as well, and are an asset to any hunting expedition looking for game.

More? Continue until all sub-points are discussed. If it goes on a long time, then consider using a second paragraph to continue the discussion. It makes it easier on the eye to read.

Conclusion: Restate your topic sentence and maybe offer a summary of your claims.


Putting It All Together (With Some Adjustments):

(Thesis) Basset hounds make for great house pets and helpers to small-game hunters. (Point 1) Although they can be lazy at times, they are a highly food-motivated breed and, as a result, are easy to train. (Point 1 Evidence) Caldwell notes that if basic commands and pleading will not work, they “are likely to respond to a stash of yummy treats” (Caldwell, “The Basset Hound) and will eventually cooperate. (Point 1 Connecting Back) With some patience, training time, and a lot of cookies, basset hounds, in general, are eager to be obedient and please their owners. This is important because they are classified as a hunting breed, and, specifically, they are scent hounds. (Point 2) They are happiest when sniffing and pleasing their owners. Their keen noses are particularly good for hunting rabbits and other small game, and they were bred for that purpose; hunting is also pleasing to them. (Point 2a Evidence) Developed in 700AD, St. Hubert—a monk and member of the French nobility—took an interest in developing the perfect dog for hunting rabbits and other small game, hence the development of the basset hound (Caldwell, “The Basset Hound). (Point 2b Evidence) These dogs are happiest when they get to do what they were bred for—serve their masters on the hunt. When their natural scenting instincts kick in, they can hunt over long distances and of varying terrain and for several hours (“How to Scent Train a Basset Hound”). (Point 2 Connecting Back) They love the excitement and the exercise, and basset hounds are an asset to any hunting expedition. (Concluding Sentence) Basset hounds, in general, are a good-natured, helpful breed that are eager to be trained and help their masters.

While not perfect, this is a good start for a paragraph. Some editing is needed, but it’s better than having an empty page!

The point of a first draft is not to have a perfect paper immediately out of your brain, but to have something written on paper that can be reviewed and edited later.



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