
24 Embellishing Diminished Seventh Chords

The embellishing diminished seventh chords are non-functional attachments, respectively, to the I, IV, and V(7) chords and their inversions.


The \musSharp{}iio7, \musSharp{}vo7, and \musSharp{}vio7 embellishing diminished seventh chords are used in major keys only.


\musSharp{}iio7 embellishes the tonic

The diminished seventh chord built on the raised 2nd scale degree, \musSharp{}iio7, embellishes I and its inversions.


\musSharp{}vo7 embellishes the subdominant

The diminished seventh chord built on the raised 5th scale degree, \musSharp{}vo7, embellishes IV and its inversions.


\musSharp{}vio7 embellishes the dominant

The diminished seventh chord built on the raised 6th scale degree, \musSharp{}vio7, embellishes V and V7 and their inversions.


The embellishing diminished seventh chords do not resolve in the regular way to their expected “tonics.”


Review: Regular resolutions of diminished seventh chords


Embellishing resolutions


Note that the unresolved diminished 7ths of \musSharp{}iio7 (do), \musSharp{}vo7 (fa), and \musSharp{}vio7 (so) are the roots of the embellished I, IV, and V(7) chords. The remaining three notes of the diminished seventh chord resolve to the nearest chord tone, but the diminished 7th of the chords remain unresolved as common tones. At times the embellishing resolution sounds like a deceptive treatment of the dissonant 7th.



Voice Leading


1. The \musSharp{}iio7 embellishing the tonic triad and its inversions

Note how the embellishing diminished seventh chord occurs as a result of neighbor tones, appoggiaturas, and passing tones.


Incomplete triadic variants

In the first two examples below, the doubled roots of the tonic chord are kept, with the neighboring tones implying an incomplete \musSharp{}iio7. In the third example, the neighboring group provides all four notes of the diminished seventh chord. These incomplete triadic examples show the early development of the embellishing diminished seventh chords as double neighbor tones.




2. The \musSharp{}vio7 embellishing the dominant triad and dominant seventh chord, and their inversions




3. The \musSharp{}vo7 embellishing the subdominant triad and its inversions




Harmony and Musicianship with Solfège Copyright © by Laszlo Cser and Daniel Wanner. All Rights Reserved.