How do linguistic patterns affect the spread of religion?
Cultural diffusion is the spreading of cultural traits from one group or place to another.
- Can one cultural trait cause another cultural trait to spread? How would language or religion help the other to spread? What are some factors that would help the spread of a religion?
- What are some factors that would help the spread of a religion?
What geographic patterns exist in language and religion?
Step 2: Open the ArcGIS Online map, Language and Religion. Take a minute to explore the map. Change the basemap to a map of your preference.
Step 3: With the Detail” pane visible, click the button, Show Content of map.
- What is noticeable about the distribution of religions?
Step 4: Click the checkbox to the left of the layer name, Language Families of the World.
- Which language family is the most widely diffused?
How do patterns of religion vary?
Step 5: Click the button, Bookmarks. Select South America.
Step 6: Turn the language and religion layers on and off to explore patterns.
- Which religions are dominant in South America?
Step 7: Pan the map to North America.
- Which religions are dominant in North America?
- What relationship exists between language and religion in North America?
Compare the patterns of European languages and religions.
Step 8: Click the button, Bookmarks. Select the Europe bookmark.
Step 9: Turn on only two layers, Major World Religions, and Indo-European Language Branches.
- What connections do you see between the religions of Europe and the major Indo-European language branches?
Step 10: Turn off the layer, Indo-European Languages Branches.
Step 11: Click the other bookmarks.
- Which region has the greatest religious diversity?
What factors influence the diffusion of a religion?
Step 12: Press the button, Measure. Select Distance. Use Miles.
- How far has Islam spread east and west from Mecca?
- How did physical and human factors serve as barriers and supports for the spread of Islam?