
Local Anesthesia


Aftercare depends on the site of local anesthesia, amount of anesthetic used, and comorbid conditions. Specific wound aftercare depends upon the nature of the wound or injury and is not covered in this module.

Most patients who have received a local anesthetic can leave immediately after the procedure is completed. Notable exceptions:

  • patients who have had anesthetic to the mouth or throat should be advised not to drink until their gag reflex has returned
  • patients with a known or suspected cardiac arrhythmias should be observed and/or monitored with an EKG until the effects of the agent have worn off


Follow-up related to local anesthetic is not usually required. Patients should be advised to follow-up related to care of the wound itself including management of the site (e.g. cleansing, dressings, etc.), return to function of the affected area of the body, signs and symptoms of infection, suture removal, etc.

Patient Education Handout – Local Anesthesia


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Advanced Procedural Skills Copyright © 2018 by Brittany Stephenson NP, BScN, MN is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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