Tick Removal
Step 1: Health history and physical exam of the site
Step 2: Wash hands, don gloves
Step 3: Cleanse the area with chlorhexidine
Step 4: Grasp the tick
Use a hemostat or tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the embedded site as possible. Avoid squeezing or crushing the tick.
Step 5: Remove the tick
Apply steady traction upward and perpendicular to the skin. Twisting counter clockwise may facilitate removal.
Do not twist the tick or use a jerking motion as this may cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain embedded in the skin.

Step 6: Assess site for remaining tick mouth-parts
Thoroughly clean the bite area with soap and water. If tick mouth parts are left behind, a biopsy or excision may be necessary.
Step 7: Dispose of the tick