Book Title: Everyday Instructional Design
Subtitle: A Practical Resource for Educators and Instructional Designers
![Cover image for Everyday Instructional Design](
Book Description: Everyday Instructional Design works through the online course or module development process, exploring the rationale and pragmatics of all of the steps involved with determining what needs to be developed, creating design plans, developing a prototype, pilot testing with a “live” student audience, reflecting on feedback, and determining how we can tweak our designs to create the best possible online teaching and learning experience.
Book Information
Book Description
Everday Instructional Design: A Practical Resource for Educators and Instructional Designers provides useful background understanding of the principles and processes that guide the design, development, testing, and refinement of online course modules. This book has been developed based on a series of instructional design and educational technology courses taught by Rob Power at different Canadian universities, and follows a project-based learning experience that walks participants through the first few weeks of an instructional design and development project. These steps typically span the first six to eight weeks of designing and developing online courses as a contract instructional designer or as an in-house ID specialist. Everyday Instructional Design works through this process, exploring the rationale and pragmatics of all of the steps involved with determining what needs to be developed, creating our initial design plans, developing a prototype of a selected portion of the larger ID project, collaborating with other instructional designers to get “expert feedback” on our works-in-progress, pilot testing our prototypes with a “live” student audience, reflecting on the expert and student feedback we receive, and determining how we can tweak our prototype designs before proceeding with the rest of the course development project.
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