Course Activity: Preparing an ID Project Blueprint or Storyboard

Background Resources

Further ReadingIt is recommended that you review the following chapters before completing this activity:

The ID Project Blueprint or Storyboard

Participants in my Instructional Systems Design and Teaching and Learning in an Online World courses will be asked to a blueprint or storyboard for their major instructional design project before being given the “all clear” to proceed with developing their projects in the platform of their choice (most likely the Canvas: Free for Teachers (Instructure, 2022) LMS).


EvaluationRefer to the latest version of the Assignments Overview document and the Preparing a Blueprint or Storyboard assignment area in your course space for the most up-to-date version of the assessment rubric to be used for this assignment.

Submitting Your Work

Sharing and presentingRefer to the instructions in your course space for details on how and where to submit your completed ID Project Blueprint or Storyboard.


Instructure (2022). Canvas: Free for Teachers.


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