Course Activity: Needs Assessment and Proposal (Instructional Systems Design Course)
This activity is intended for participants in my Instructional Systems Design graduate-level ID course. Of course, if you are not a course participant, feel free to complete this activity on your own before proceeding to the development of your own ID project. If you are an instructor facilitating an instructional design course, feel free to leverage this assignment. The grading scheme is included in the downloadable Needs Assessment and Proposal template.
Background Resources
The ID Project Proposal (A Template for Summarizing Your ID Project’s Needs)
Before participants in my instructional design courses can begin their ID projects, they need to determine what topic to pursue. I typically allow participants to choose any topic they want, as I want them to have a vested interest in the project (as opposed to completing busy work just for marks!). I have found that most participants choose to develop a prototype for an online course that they need to develop and deliver in their actual work contexts (so completing the ID project for my course has a double benefit for them!). The following template is divided into two sections. In part 1, I ask students to answer questions about the needs assessment process from the perspective of their working contexts. In part 2, I ask them to provide more specific details that would arise from the needs assessment process for their chosen course or instructional topic. Keep in mind these questions can be answered from the perspective of a K12 teacher, a higher education faculty member, or a workplace training developer. The template is formatted according to APA version 7 standards.
Download Word (.docx) Version of the Needs Assessment and Proposal APA v7 TEMPLATE
The evaluation scheme for this activity is included as point values corresponding to each of the questions in the downloadable Needs Assessment and Proposal template.
Submitting Your Work
Refer to the instructions in your course space for details on how and where to submit your completed Needs Assessment and Proposal document.