
15 Developing Lesson and Unit Plans

PlanningRegardless of whether you are planning a single-session lesson or a multi-session/multi-lesson unit of instruction, there are a number of key elements that you must include:

  • Information about the course and topic.
  • Information about the target learners.
  • The goals and objectives of the lesson.
  • What will everyone be doing? Information about instructional and learner activities.
  • How you plan to determine if learners have achieved the objectives.

Using a Lesson Planning Template

There are numerous ready-made templates that you can use to prepare a plan for a single lesson. Algonquin College (n.d.) provides a brief overview of the lesson planning process and some downloadable templates. de Leon (2022) also provides a detailed but easy-to-follow guide with related resources. However, my favorite lesson planning template follows the BOPPPS model created for the Instructional Skills Workshop program ISW Network, 2023).

The BOPPPS Model

The BOPPPS Model targets the essential elements of an effective lesson plan using the following categories:

  • Bridge-In (how you will capture the learner audience’s attention and introduce the lesson’s topic).
  • Objectives (listing the lesson’s objectives in plain, student-centered language).
  • Pre-Assessment (how you will determine what learners already know and what gaps in essential background knowledge or skills they may have).
  • Participatory Learning (what the instructor and learners will be doing as part of an active learning process).
  • Post-Assessment (how you will assess whether learners have achieved the lesson’s objectives).
  • Summary (how you will summarize the lesson and bring it to a close, what is coming next, and what learners should do as a follow-up to the lesson).

Watch O’Neil’s (2021) BOPPPS Lesson Planning for a detailed overview of using the BOPPPS model.

Additional Resources


Unit Planning

Unit plans are more detailed than lesson plans, but only in that they typically cover more objectives, more topics or sub-topics, more learner activities and assessments. Of course, they also span a longer range of time. However, the essential elements of a unit plan are the same as those of a lesson plan.

  • Information about the course and topic.
  • Information about the target learners.
  • The goals and objectives of the unit.
  • What will everyone be doing? Information about instructional and learner activities.
  • How you plan to determine if learners have achieved the objectives.

Again, a quick online search will likely find you any number of unit planning templates. You could also use the Blueprint Template (MS Word) introduced in the Developing a Plan of Attack – Storyboarding or Blueprinting chapter to design a unit for an in-person or blended-mode unit. Another template that I have frequently shared with participants in my instructional design and educational technology courses has been developed by Collins (2011).


Regardless of what template you use to plan your in-person, blended, or online learning unit, I recommend following the BOPPPS lesson planning model. The sequencing outlined by BOPPPS provides an excellent formula for structuring whole unit or online modules, not just single-session lessons.

Additional Resources

Further ReadingI strongly recommend reviewing the Tracking Copyright and Privacy Concerns chapter and the ETICPC template. The template serves as an excellent appendix to any lesson or unit plan, providing vital information that will be needed as you transform your plans into live experiences or digital learning resources.


Algonquin College (n.d.). Lesson Planning. https://www.algonquincollege.com/profres/lesson-planning/

Collins, Mauri P. (2011). Using a blueprint in the design of instruction for virtual environments. In Khan, B. (ed). User Interface Design for Virtual Environments: Challenges and Advances, pp. 255-267. Idea Group Reference.

de Leon, C. (2022, December 19). How to Build a Lesson Plan: Templates, Requirements, and More. Wikihow. https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Lesson-Plan

ISW Network (2023). Instructional Skills Workshop Network. https://www.iswnetwork.ca/

O’Neil, A. (2021, April 6). BOPPPS Lesson Planning. [Video]. https://youtu.be/orVE7EebazE

Pattison, P., & Day, R., Eds. (2006). Instructional Skills Workshop Handbooks for Participants. The Instructional Skills Workshop International Advisory Committee, TAG, UBC

xnimrodx (2023). Drawing Table Icon. [Image file]. Flaticons. https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/drawing-table_2095450


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