
4.6 Chapter 4 Assessment

Conceptual Questions:

  1. Section 4.1: Introduction to Sustainable Supply Chains
    • Question: Why is it important for modern businesses to integrate sustainability into their supply chains?
  2. Section 4.2: Sustainability Metrics
    • Question: What are the three components of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL), and how do they contribute to evaluating a company’s sustainability?
  3. Section 4.3: Supply Chain Practices
    • Question: How does the waste hierarchy guide businesses in managing waste, and why is it essential for creating a circular supply chain?
  4. Section 4.4: Government and NGO Influence on Supply Chain Sustainability
    • Question: How do government regulations and NGOs work together to promote sustainable practices within supply chains?
  5. Section 4.5: Special Topics in Sustainable Supply Chain Management
    • Question: What role do certifications like ISO 14001 play in setting standards for sustainable supply chains?

Situational Questions:

Situation 1: Imagine you are a supply chain manager at a company that is facing pressure from consumers and investors to improve its sustainability efforts. The company has not previously focused on sustainability and is concerned about the potential costs of making changes. How would you apply the Triple Bottom Line framework to convince the company’s leadership that integrating sustainable practices could benefit both the company and its stakeholders?

Situation 2: Your company is considering implementing a circular supply chain model but is uncertain about where to start. As a newly appointed sustainability consultant, you are tasked with advising the company. Based on the waste hierarchy, what steps would you recommend the company take first to reduce waste and move towards a circular economy? How would you justify these recommendations?