

Training Opportunities

Clinical Abortion Training Centers
A consortium of abortion clinics committed to providing opportunities for clinicians to learn abortion care in small group clinical settings.
NSRH: Nurses for Sexual and Reproductive Health
Karen Edlund Future Nurse Leader Fellowship is a 6-month fellowship for nursing students to help foster leadership in sexual and reproductive health and reproductive justice.
Midwest Access Project
Project matches trainees (including students, physicians, and APCs) to abortion training sites in the Midwest.
MSFC: Medical Students for Choice
International organization providing externships for medical students and resident physicians. They provide financial and logistical support for abortion training.
CREATE: Continuing Reproductive Education for Advanced Training Efficacy
Program open to family medicine residents in select programs in California. Includes opportunities to obtain additional abortion training within residency.
NSRH: Nurses for Sexual and Reproductive Health
6-month Training in Abortion Care (TAC) residency available for registered nurses.
RHEDI: Center for Reproductive Health Education in Family Medicine
List of family medicine residencies that offer abortion training
Resident Scholars Program for Workforce Diversity offers 1-year mentorship in reproductive health to BIPOC family medicine residents
Ryan Residency Training Program
Listing of OBGYN residencies with opt-out family planning rotations.
LTA: Leadership Training Academy
Program through Physicians for Reproductive Health (PRH) provides physicians with training to become effective advocates. The training consists of webinars and 2 in-person meetings over 8 months. Note that this program does not offer clinical abortion training.
Obstetric fellowships
These fellowships provide family physicians with further training in full spectrum reproductive health care. Ask specifically about inclusion of abortion training.
RHAP: Reproductive Health Access Project
Reproductive Health Care and Advocacy Fellowship is a 1-year clinical training program open to family medicine physicians
GAPS fellowship is a 1-year program offering support to family medicine physicians looking to integrate abortion services into their clinical practice
TEACH: Training in Early Abortion for Comprehensive Healthcare
TEACH Leadership Fellowship is a part-time 1-year fellowship open to family medicine residents with some prior abortion training.

Employment and Networking Opportunities

CASS: Clinical Abortion Staffing Solutions
Joint effort between NAF and PP matches clinicians with clinics and health centers with an immediate need for abortion providers.
PP: Planned Parenthood
See geographic affiliate-specific opportunities on their website.
Abortion Care Network
Network of independent abortion clinics outside of Planned Parenthood.
Professional Networks
AAFP: American Academy of Family Physicians
Reproductive Health Member Interest Group (MIG) helps AAFP members integrate comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion and miscarriage management, into their practices.
CIAC: Clinicians in Abortion Care
Membership group sponsored by NAF representing certified nurse-midwives (CNMs), nurse practitioners (NPs), physician assistants (PAs), registered nurses (RNs), and students of those professions, working to increase access to comprehensive reproductive health and abortion care.
NAF: National Abortion Federation
Mission is to unite, represent, serve, and support abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care.
RHAP: Reproductive Health and Access Network
Clusters of clinicians who organize regionally and nationally through online listservs and in-person meetings.
RHEDI Access Listserv
National, private discussion group to discuss clinical, educational, and administrative issues in offering comprehensive reproductive health care services.
SFP: Society of Family Planning
SFP supports abortion and contraception science. The SFP Research Fund provides support for abortion and contraception research.

Advocacy Opportunities

Reproductive Rights Organizations
ACLU: American Civil Law Union
ACLU works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the right to abortion.
CRR: Center for Reproductive Rights
CRR uses the law to advance reproductive freedom as a fundamental human right.
Feminist Majority Foundation
Research and action programs focused on advancing the legal, social and political equality of women.
Jane’s Due Process
Texas-based organization working to help minors seeking abortions across the country.
NARAL Pro-Choice America
Political action around issues of abortion.
National Partnership for Women & Families
Promotes fairness in the workplace, reproductive health and rights, access to quality, affordable health care and policies that help parents meet the dual demands of work and family.
NWLC: National Women’s Law Center
Champions laws and policies that help achieve gender justice. Topic areas include abortion, equal pay, child care, Title IX. Also assists patients with insurance coverage for contraception (coverher.org)
PRH: Physicians for Reproductive Health
Organization that uses evidence and organized action to champion reproductive rights. Provides advocacy training through LTA fellowship, mentioned above.
Reproductive Justice Organizations
The Knights and Orchids Society
Builds the power of TLGB Black people across the south providing health and wellness services.
NAWHERC: The Native American Women’s Health Education Resource Center
Documents reproductive justice issues and uses activism to promote the voices of Native women.
NAPAWFL: National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum
Works on a broad range of issues with Asian Pacific American women, including reproductive justice.
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
Ensures the fundamental human right to reproductive health for Latinas, their families and their communities through education, advocacy and coalition building.
Sister Song
Builds networks to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities, and trains the next generation of activists.
SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW
Political home for Black women and youth, centering Black queer women, trans and non binary folx.
URGE: Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity (previously CHOICE USA)
Mobilizes and supports the diverse upcoming generation of leaders in reproductive justice.
Dedicated to the leadership and representation of people who have abortions, increasing abortion storytellers, and shifting the media narrative of the context and complexity of accessing abortion care.
Faith-based Organizations
Catholics For Choice
Information and advocacy on abortion and reproductive health care issues within a catholic framework.
Faith Aloud
Clergy counseling line for spiritual and religious support around abortion, parenting, and more.
Religious Coalition For Reproductive Choice
National organization of pro-choice clergy and churches. Can provide spiritual counseling.

Patient Resources

Patient Support
All Options: 888-493-0092
Talkline that can provide options counseling.
Exhale: 866-4-EXHALE
Offers nonjudgemental, supportive counseling to individuals with abortion experiences and their partners, friends and allies.
If/when/how Repro Legal Helpline: 844-868-2812
Provides legal information and support to people navigating complex laws in order to obtain abortions or self-manage abortions.
M+A Hotline: 833-246-2632
Provides medical support to people self-managing abortion or miscarriage.
NAF Hotline: 800-772-9100
Provides counseling and support, abortion referrals, and abortion funding.
National Network of Abortion Funds
Network of independent organizations that provide financial assistance to women to pay for abortions.
Plan C
Trusted resource with state-specific information about how to source abortion pills via telemedicine and online pharmacies.
ReproCare Healthline: 833-226-7821)
Anonymous healthline provides peer-based emotional support, medical information, and referrals to people having an abortion at home with pills.
Patient Education
Advocates for Youth
Champions efforts to help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health.
An online birth control support network to help patients find birth control that’s right for them and learn how to use it consistently and effectively. Great interactive tools for patients and providers.
Coalition for Positive Sexuality
Information about all aspects of sexuality along with information about parental involvement laws.
Euki App
App providing patient-centered, gender inclusive information on comprehensive reproductive healthcare and abortion care
Go Ask Alice!
This site is run by Columbia University’s Health Education Program and provides accurate and non-judgmental information.
My Sistahs
Information about sexual health run by and for young women of color.
Reproductive Health Access Project
Organization working directly with primary care providers to integrate abortion, contraception, and miscarriage care into their practices, including providing patient educational handouts and zines
Sex education for the real world with a section for men as well.
SIECUS Sex Ed for Social Change
SIECUS develops, collects, and disseminates information, promotes comprehensive education about sexuality, and advocates the right of individuals to make responsible sexual choices.


TEACH Abortion Training Curriculum Copyright © 2022 by UCSF Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health. All Rights Reserved.

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