
At the end of medical school, it would be unusual for a newly minted doctor to not have taken tens, if not hundreds, of multiple choice tests. It is the commonest way of assessing knowledge in modern medical education. Since our minds have been trained to think in this way, why not embrace multiple choice questions to learn?

Neuro-ophthalmology is a unique subspecialty that is at the crossroads of ophthalmology and neurology. Regardless of the subspecialty that ophthalmologists or neurologists choose to practice, there will be at least some aspect of neuro-ophthalmology that will factor into their clinical life.  A solid understanding of the principles of neuro-ophthalmology will go a long way in your academic and clinical success.

Case-Based  Neuro-Ophthalmology is designed for ophthalmology and neurology residents learning neuro-ophthalmology.  Each chapter of the book (except for Chapters 1 and 2) starts off with a case presentation with accompanying photos, visual fields and neuroimaging. There are a series of multiple choice questions and explanations related to the case that follow.

Let’s get started and I hope you enjoy these cases.

Jonathan Micieli, MD


Case-Based Neuro-Ophthalmology Copyright © by micielij. All Rights Reserved.