
5.16 Eight must have graphics for blogging

We’ve all seen the a site like this, It’s nothing but text, and maybe one or two images at the header. It makes the site look incredibly dated and a bit scary to read. It’s all words. I tried to find an example to put here, but I wasn’t able to find a good one. That’s probably a good thing. We’ve also seen the opposite though. A site with so many pictures and images that it makes the page look disjointed and hard to follow. The website https://houstonemergency.org/covid19/ comes to mind. It has so many pictures and graphics of varying colors, its hard to focus on one thing.

So where is the middle ground? An article I found on “HelloBrio” titled “8 Must-have blog graphics for your blog’s visual branding” gives a solid answer. The article lists off 8 graphics that all blogs should have. Everything from a header, to the writers signature.

1. The Blog Header

2. Your Blog’s Logo

3. The Teeny-Tiny Blog Favicon

4. Blog Stamp

5. Title image template

6. Blog post signature

7. Sidebar about box

8. Sidebar buttons for featured posts or blog sections

In the article, the author gives a lot of small examples for each topic. Some, like the header, logo, or page template, are pretty self explanatory. Others, like the Blog Stamp or Blog Favicon, were things I had never thought of.

A direct link the the page: https://www.hellobrio.com/blog/8-blog-graphics


This chapter is a revised version of a blog post titled “8 Must have graphics for blogging” on Edward’s Publishing Page.


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