
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

In the previous sections, you learned all there is to know about web design and development as well as HTML and markup. In this section, you will now begin to learn and get a better understanding of what cascading style sheets (CSS) are. It is also highly recommended to view Carrie Dils’s course “Introduction to CSS” in LinkedIn Learning as the chapters in this section will refer to her course.

One big reason why it’s important to learn CSS is because it gives style to your website and webpages. While HTML structures a website and its webpages, CSS gives those pages their layouts, colors, and fonts. By using CSS, you are able change the color of the text, implement background images, identify different layouts for different devices and screens, and so much more. In the following chapters, you will learn important terms and information regarding CSS, how to create multi-column layouts, the different color values that can be used in CSS to give your website and webpages their color, and how creative you can get with CSS.

Before you can start working with CSS, chapter 4.1 will introduce you to some basics. “What You Need to Know About CSS” will have you learn the meaning behind selectors, properties, values, declarations, declaration blocks, rule sets, and statements. These are important terms that you should know as you begin to work with CSS. After learning the basics of CSS, you will now be ready to learn how to create multi-column layouts.

One of the simplest ways of thinking about multi-column layouts would be to think about the layout of a newspaper. Like in newspapers, having multiple columns in your website can help readers read lengthy texts without loosing their place. Chapter 4.2’s “Getting Started Using Multi-Columns Layout in CSS” will walk you through column-count and column-width. You will also learn about column-rule and column-gap to help the reader know where one section ends and other begins. While helping your readers read your content more easily is important, it is also important to learn the different ways you can add color to your website using CSS.

Colors play an important role in our daily lives. They help us stand out and make us look unique. Colors are also important when it comes to a website and its webpages. In chapter 4.3 you will go over “Color Values in CSS” that give webpages and websites their unique colors. HTML, Hex, RGB, and HSL color values will help you add basic colors like blue to unique colors like light steel blue either by typing out the name of the color itself, or by using a combination of letters and numbers. However, CSS is more than just multi-columns and colors.

After learning how to create multi-columns and learning about color values in CSS you might still ask yourself, “How Powerful IS CSS?” Well in chapter 4.4 you will learn that CSS is capable of creating a 3D model of the solar system while adding both fun and professional interactive features that will make your website unique and memorable.


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