
HTML and Markup

A markup language is a unique way to annotate a document. You may have heard of programming languages that are used to tell computers what to do. HTML does something similar: it tells browsers how to display web pages on the internet. Or, more accurately, it tells the browser what each element on the page is. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, the standard markup language for web pages.

The following chapters deal with web-based resources for those learning HTML – from the novice to the intermediate. Each of these has been chosen to accompany Jen Simmons’ course HTML Essential Training, available through LinkedIn Learning. These include discussions of specific HTML elements and tags, using HTML as a skill and language, and best practices, such as using comments and semantics within HTML.

In the first chapter, Lianne puts forth several compelling arguments for why a person should learn HTML. Knowing this markup language would surely provide a leg up when learning actual programming languages. HTML could also be an asset on the job, not to mention a marketable skill in a job search. In her chapter “Learning HTML,” Lianne recommends “HTML for Beginners, The Easy Way” for help getting started.

For more on getting started with HTML, Jenn’s chapter “Basics of the Basic for Website Building with HTML” gets down to brass tacks with recommendations for a text editor, tips for planning your site, and helpful hints for structuring your files. In this chapter, Jenn links two articles from MDN web docs, a not-for-profit foundation and learning platform for Web technologies. If you have questions, chances are you can find answers here. And all information is provided entirely free of charge!

Our next chapter eases us into the practice of HTML by introducing some of the actual “coding” and potential pitfalls. In her chapter “Helpful Tips for Beginners: Identifying Common HTML Mistakes,” Leah reviews an interactive article from Young Coder on Medium. Leah praises the legibility and interactivity of the resource but ultimately concludes that a more in-depth treatment may be necessary.

Once you have laid the groundwork, you will be ready to discuss some specifics. HTML comprises of different “elements,” sometimes called “tags.” Amanda’s chapter Mean What You Say: A Discussion About the <em> Element of HTML examines at length the difference between the HTML elements <em> and <i>, including an explanation of when to use each and why, the concept of semantics, and why it matters for HTML. Amanda quotes the aptly-named article, You’re using〈em〉wrong, and relates the underlying principles to real-life examples.

Following a discussion of the two tags above, “To Boldly Code: the HTML strong Tag, the b Tag, and You” discusses the <b> tag, the <strong> tag, their differences, and their respective uses. Like before, this chapter also touches on the semantic meaning of HTML and its implications for accessibility. Laura’s chapter is also based on an article available from MDN Web Docs and touches on the Document-Object Model structure underlying HTML.

Now that we’re familiar with a few HTML elements, Noemi’s “HTML: an Important Skill to Learn and Practice” lists a few resources for further study. Noemi recommends hands-on practice editing HTML using the tools already built into your web browser. While some of these resources are fully-fledged multi-lesson courses (some of which cost money), resources such as W3Schools are free – though you can order a certificate for a fee.

If you’ve been a blogger for a while and you already have some familiarity with HTML, the following three chapters are for you. Edward’s chapter “Five HTML Tips Every Blogger Should Know” is a short list of coding tips, tricks, and recommendations tailored to blogs. These ideas will take your blog to the next level by touching on advanced topics such as the <div> tag. In her chapter “We Should Use HTML Comments More,” Christina makes a case for following best practices when coding in HTML. As an old hand at blogging, Christina sympathizes with HTML learners and their struggles. When you’re in the thick of coding your site, use her recommendations and resources to add professional polish. Next up, Annie introduces CSS and how its applications for themes in her chapter “Where Do I Start Learning More About HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to Design My Own Blog Theme?.” While this resource may be relevant for bloggers, Annie lists a few beginner-friendly resources on topics such as HTML and JavaScript.

For some insight into the historical background of HTML, DeWayne’s “Why HTML?” delves deeper into the theoretical basis of the language. DeWayne’s resource talks about why HTML works the way it does and how it has evolved. It’s a deep dive into some of the technologies underpinning the web that even regular users of HTML might not know.

Finally, Joseph’s chapter “Presenting Information with Clarity” illustrates the importance of writing concisely and precisely. Every punctuation mark and symbol matters when it comes to HTML coding, so he recommends regularly consulting resources such as the HTML cheat sheet” from digital.com.

Whether you are just starting your journey to learning HTML or have more experience, the chapters and resources introduced here should be worth checking out.


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