This list of characteristics has been compiled by Ian Josephs over 50 years of observation (my comments in parantheses):

1 The UK is the only state in the entire world that legally gags the parents whoseĀ children have been taken by social services from speaking out about it; i.e. the UK state threatens these parents with prison if they dare to speak up or complain about the treatment they or their children have received at the hands of the state. And these threats are not theoretical; they are rigorously enforced – to the tune of some 200 parents a year, at least!

2 The UK is the only state in Europe, except Croatia and possiblyĀ Portugal, to permit the horror of ā€œforced adoptionā€, whereby the children are forcibly adopted without the permission, or even consultation, of the parents.

3 The UK is the only state in Europe to allow ā€œPunishment without Crimeā€ i.e. the taking of children by social services from parents who haveĀ not committed any criminal offence. (This is undoubtedly linked to the consequent “necessary” horror of secret, legally vague “family courts”.)

4 The UK is the only state in Europe taking children for ā€œemotionalĀ abuseā€ and worse still the ā€œrisk of emotional abuseā€ ā€“ on the basis of predictionsĀ from overpaid charlatans that one day parents just might harm theirĀ children.

5 The UK is the only state in Europe to censor conversations betweenĀ parents and children in care. Children are left wondering what they haveĀ done wrong, as parents are forbidden to explain the situation, or discuss theĀ court case in any way. Astonishingly, phrases such as ā€œI love you and I miss youā€ are also forbidden under the threat of contact being stopped immediately if theĀ parents ā€œtransgress.ā€ The children then naturally begin to think their parents mightĀ not love them or want them back, of course – which is probably the reason why it is done in the first place.


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This work (The European Dimension of Forced Adoptions by Sabine K McNeill) is free of known copyright restrictions.

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