As we noted yesterday this has been a tough week for Roger Stone.


His friend, Kristen Davis-aka the Manhattan Madam-testified yesterday before the grand jury in the Mueller probe. All of this points to the conclusion that Roger Stone is a target of the Mueller probe-or at least a very important subject. When you’re talking about who might go to jail-besides Manafort-a good bet is Manafort’s colleague of almost 40 years, Roger Stone.

Which is kind of fitting when you think about it as Stone managed to avoid jail in the original Watergate because of his at the time young years-at 19 he was the youngest member of CREEP. It’s not that his actions on behalf of CREEP were trivial either-arguably the Canuck letter is what won it for Nixon and Stone was the delivery driver of Don Segretti’s letter. 

“It would eventually be established with certainty that the man who’d written the “Canucks” letter, the man who’d hired the black protesters in front of Muskie’s hotel room, was Donald Segretti, who handled a secret, separate black ops campaign team for CREEP. The man who’d actually sent the letter to McCloskey, who’d hired the Sedan Chair II mole, was a nineteen year old operative named Roger Stone. It was because of this that he makes a brief appearance in the Watergate testimony.”

And again, this is arguably what won it for Nixon-according to Nixon’s own premise:

“There were methods of misdirection, and there was also use of the most powerful method, vote fragmentation. Edmund Muskie was the candidate considered to be the most formidable opponent against Nixon, and so focus was given to weaken and destroy the candidate in order that Nixon might face someone he might easily beat, George McGovern, in the general election.”

By the way, if you haven’t read ITalkYouBored’s marathon piece on Roger Stone you really should sometime.

On the same day that Stone’s friend Kristen Davis testified, and the day after news of Stone’s associate, Randy Credico being subpoenaed-on Melber on Wednesday night Credico has said he hadn’t mentioned the invitation for a voluntary interview previously so as not to provoke Mueller; he should have continued that practice as the very next day he was subpoenaed-Roger Stone’s aide, Andrew Miller was subpoenaed.

“A former aide to political operative and longtime confidant of President Donald Trump, Roger Stone, has been held in contempt for defying an order to testify in special counsel Robert Mueller‘s Russia probe.”

To be sure, this was deliberate, as part of some legal strategy to question the legitimacy of the Mueller probe itself.

UPDATE: Miller kept up this canard for many months only very recently giving up his marathon fight against Mueller’s subpoena


“That aide, Andrew Miller, lost a lawsuit earlier this month in U.S. District Court challenging Mueller’s subpoena requiring him to appear before a grand jury.”

“Miller’s lawyer, Paul Kamenar, told CNBC in a phone call that Miller refused to comply with the subpoena “in order to be held in contempt and appeal the judge’s underlying decision” rejecting his lawsuit.

“Outside a Washington federal courthouse on Friday, Miller’s attorneys said that they are intentionally challenging the legitimacy of the Russia investigation, specifically regarding Mueller’s appointment.”

Yes, they’re hoping to take the legitimacy of Mueller’s investigation straight to the Supreme Court.

“They said the case is now headed to the Court of Appeals, and they hope it will reach the Supreme Court, NBC News reported.”

Which is not to say their prospects are very good.

“Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond, said he doesn’t think Miller is likely to find a welcome greeting in the D.C. appeals court. “They are used to resolving, as is [U.S. District Court Judge Beryl] Howell, these kind of disputes,” he said, arguing that the Supreme Court has spoken to these narrow issues of authority “pretty clearly.”

“I think he’s swimming upstream,” Tobias said of Miller.

Sounds like a Roger Stone scheme.

As for Kristen Davis:

“Davis, known as the Manhattan Madam for providing prostitutes to New York’s elite, was in prison on an unrelated charge until May 2016, and said she would not know much about the Trump campaign.”

“I didn’t work for Roger in 2016,” Davis told NBC News Thursday. “I still don’t know the scope of what they’re going to ask me.”

“Davis said that Miller was in charge of maintaining Stone’s schedule during the presidential campaign. She said she took over that task in August 2017. Davis, 41, has done web design and office tasks for Stone’s political consultancy.”

“Davis told NBC News in July that someone in Mueller’s office called her attorney to ask her to speak to investigators. A member of Mueller’s team interviewed her last week, said a person with knowledge of the matter.”

“Davis’s lawyer, Miller and a spokesman for Mueller’s office did not immediately respond to requests for comment.”

In a statement to NBC News, Stone said: “Kristin Davis has been a friend and has worked on and off for me. She is a brilliant business woman who paid her debt to society and has remade her life. She is a single parent of a 2-year-old son who is my godson, Carter Stone Davis, who my wife and I love very much.”

“She is most certainly not involved in any illegal activity today and is not seeking a media circus surrounding her testimony while she tries to raise a child and launch a cosmetology business in New York. Kristin Davis was not working for me in either 2015 or 2016 — during the preparation and conduct of Donald Trump’s campaign.”

“Davis was arrested in 2013 after allegedly selling drugs to an FBI cooperating witness. She pleaded guilty to a charge of selling prescription drugs. Sentenced to two years in prison, she was released in May 2016.”

As I mentioned above, ITalkYouBored has a great series on Stone. In perusing the 10 part series, I just noticed that they take on Stone’s history with Kirsten Davis in part six.

“The candidacy of Kristin Davis was perceived as one more salvo in Roger Stone’s vendetta against former governor Eliot Spitzer. Stone had been working, in 2007, for New York Senate majority leader Joseph Bruno on a $20,000 a month contract. Bruno was in a long, poisonous fight with Spitzer, and the dirty trickster had been brought in to help. The dirty trick he came up with was cruel, stupid, obvious. To harass Spitzer’s father, an elderly man with Parkinson’s, with a threatening message left on his answering machine.”

Davis was running for the Libertarian ticket against Warren Redlich, a town board member and traffic lawyer. In April, at the beginning of the campaign, Stone would exchange a series of emails with Redlich. Much of the emails consist of Stone trying to pressure Redlich to step aside, so that Davis could be on the ticket for governor. If Redlich didn’t step aside, Davis wouldn’t attend the party convention, and then Stone and Davis might set up their own party, filing suit over Redlich’s use of the Libertarian Party name.”

Yet it seems that Davis’ candidacy was merely paper-Stone’s real candidate, appeared to be Carl Paladino:

“The next email, from Stone, is the most interesting. He is a campaign manager for Davis, yet he now offers a deal where if Redlich runs for the Attorney General spot (rather than the governor spot), he can get Redlich to be on Paladino’s petitions and run in the GOP primary. How is it that Stone, who supposedly has no connection with the Paladino campaign, except for giving them advice, is able to offer such a deal?”

This is Stone’s modus operandi-he’s a kind of agent provacateur for establishment GOP candidates by pretending to be wildly ‘libertarian’ and anti establishment GOP.

“However, the supposed master tactician Roger Stone and his candidate, Kristin Davis, would lose to the rookie. Redlich would be on the Libertarian Party ticket, and Kristin Davis would run instead on her own newly created ticket, The Anti-Prohibition Party. During the general race, with Paladino on the Republican ticket, Cuomo on the Democratic, Davis with Anti-Prohibition, and Redlich on the Libertarian, Stone was involved in one of the more vile acts of his life. Redlich had written a blog post on a semi-nude picture of Miley Cyrus that had appeared in Vanity Fair (which was only four years ago, but now feels like an eternity), an intelligent analysis arguing that much of the furor around the picture lay with a contemporary American sensibility, that viewed teenagers as either entirely sexual, or entirely non-sexual. We assume this sensibility to be universal and eternal, when it isn’t – Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet is written about lovers that were the same age as Miley Cyrus. One could disagree with the argument Redlich made, but it was ultimately an argument, not a predatory fantasy, or justification for rape. On October 29th, Capitol Confidential’s Jimmy Vieklind published “I pushed for the Redlich mailer”, about the appearance of a mailer, featuring a photo of Redlich as well as his phone number and home address, which warned that he was a public danger and for people to call the police when they see him.”

In 2016, Stone was very proud of his idea of having people show up at Clinton’s rallies with t shirts calling her husband a rapist and he takes credit for keeping African American turnout down with his campaign to convince AAs that Clinton fathered an illegitimate black son he ignored. 

But while Kristen Davis may well not know much about Russian collusion and hacked emails, it seems likely that with her history with Stone interests Mueller as it shows a clear pattern with how Stone operates-ie, like a pathological sociopath.





October 28, 2016: a Day That Will Live in Infamy Copyright © by . All Rights Reserved.

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