Yet Trump and his Deplorables continue with the Lock her up! chants-even after an assassination attempt on her life last week. Trump also happily led a ‘Lock him up!’ chant regarding Soros after the biggest terrorist attack on Jews in American history in Pittsburgh this last Saturday.

Gee I wonder if the media will forgive calling Cesar Sayoc and David Bowers Deplorable? Or is the GOP and the media going to explain that that’s the ‘real hate speech?’

As we argued in (Chapter A) there is a difference between political incivility and incitement to violence. A big part of the movement for false equivalency is to deny there’s any difference. So Hugh Hewitt can claim with a straight face that the real incitement to violence is Mitch McConnell being disturbed at dinner.

No-historically considered that can be seen as a certain type of civil disobedience. Regarding Mitch McConnell he could not have been more arrogant and self righteous in his conduct in gloating over ‘plowing through’ a credibly accused sexual assaulter, serial perjurer, who was chosen to protect Trump from Russia. It isn’t enough that he plowed him through by allowing no real vetting, he had to spike the ball after. Maybe he found being criticized at a fancy restaurant unpleasant, millions of us found his spiking the ball after the plow through-‘You Democrats are a unruly mob and you helped me ram him through, thank you!’ pretty unpleasant too. 

I know it’s so outrageous that the voters would want to talk back to this pitiful partisan hack who has so much to answer for in his despicable, partisan conduct over the last 10 years-those surprised he put party over country regarding Russia before the election should remember in 2009 he put his party over the health of the economy by refusing to work with Obama even on measures he and his party had previously agreed. The goal wasn’t to fix the economy but to hurt Obama and if hurting the recovery did that then that was fine with Mitch McConnell.

But if ‘Lock Her Up’-or gloating about GOP Congressman Greg Gianforte bodyslamming a reporter- is incitement to violence it’s also based on a totally false narrative.

In fact Hillary’s server was never hacked. There was all this breastbeating that the Russians and the Chinese could be reading her emails. Despite playing every dirty trick in the book-as we saw in other chapters (X) many Trump operatives like Peter Smith, Joseph Schmitz-the two likely working together-as well as the Mercers, Roger Stone, etc, searching for these deleted emails the FBI was never able to show that her server was hacked or read by the Chinese and Russians.

Unlike Trump’s compromised cell phone.

But but but-lock her up! But her emails!

Kind of ironic in retrospect as the Chinese really are listening on his calls. 

“When President Trump calls old friends on one of his iPhones to gossip, gripe or solicit their latest take on how he is doing, American intelligence reports indicate that Chinese spies are often listening — and putting to use invaluable insights into how to best work the president and affect administration policy, current and former American officials said.”

“Mr. Trump’s aides have repeatedly warned him that his cellphone calls are not secure, and they have told him that Russian spies are routinely eavesdropping on the calls, as well. But aides say the voluble president, who has been pressured into using his secure White House landline more often these days, has still refused to give up his iPhones. White House officials say they can only hope he refrains from discussing classified information when he is on them.”

Why does he refuse to give up his IPhones? That’s be inconvenient. Really.


Again, in our Trumpian age, satire is dead as the real thing is stranger than any fiction you want to come up with. Remember the media freakout when Hillary Clinton said she used it for convenience? The entire MSM ate the same cow at the same moment. You did not do it for convenience you did it to conceal your emails! We know that we don’t need any facts to know it we just know it! 

To date I’ve heard no one in the MSM have a cow over Trump’s iPhones, not even the part where he plays the convenience card. Which almost makes you wonder if all the outrage over Hillary saying convenience wasn’t faux outrage, totally situational. It turns out what led the MSM over the bend wasn’t the word convenience but the words Hillary Clinton. 

UPDATE: Democrat Ted Lieu on the House Judiciary Committee assures us that post election-I’m assuming Dems win-they will investigate Trump’s ‘convenient iPhones’-that are particularly convenient for the Chinese.

UPDATE 2.0: Despite Lieu’s assurance we’ve heard nothing six months in about this from Judiciary-maybe Cummings Committee is on it though if so they’re keeping it tightly under wraps.

“American spy agencies, the officials said, had learned that China and Russia were eavesdropping on the president’s cellphone calls from human sources inside foreign governments and intercepting communications between foreign officials.”

“The current and former officials said they have also determined that China is seeking to use what it is learning from the calls — how Mr. Trump thinks, what arguments tend to sway him and to whom he is inclined to listen — to keep a trade war with the United States from escalating further. In what amounts to a marriage of lobbying and espionage, the Chinese have pieced together a list of the people with whom Mr. Trump regularly speaks in hopes of using them to influence the president, the officials said.”

“Among those on the list are Stephen A. Schwarzman, the Blackstone Group chief executive who has endowed a master’s program at Tsinghua University in Beijing, and Steve Wynn, the former Las Vegas casino magnate who used to own a lucrative property in Macau.”

If the Chinese really had been following her communications-rather than just rampant speculation about it she’s already be impeached, is there any doubt about that?

“The Chinese have identified friends of both men and others among the president’s regulars, and are now relying on Chinese businessmen and others with ties to Beijing to feed arguments to the friends of the Trump friends. The strategy is that those people will pass on what they are hearing, and that Beijing’s views will eventually be delivered to the president by trusted voices, the officials said. They added that the Trump friends were most likely unaware of any Chinese effort.”

L. Lin Wood, a lawyer for Mr. Wynn, said his client was retired and had no comment. A spokeswoman for Blackstone, Christine Anderson, declined to comment on Chinese efforts to influence Mr. Schwarzman, but said that he “has been happy to serve as an intermediary on certain critical matters between the two countries at the request of both heads of state.

What about Trump’s great friends and benefactors, the Russians? They aren’t as motivated as the Chinese on this it turns out. They don’t need to be as Putin already has Trump totally in his back pocket.

“Russia is not believed to be running as sophisticated an influence effort as China because of Mr. Trump’s apparent affinity for President Vladimir V. Putin, a former official said”

Just recently Putin was gloating that the era of U.S. domination is over. 

“Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that America’s global dominance is coming to an end, with the U.S. itself accelerating that process with a string of mistakes “typical of an empire.”

“The Russian president, speaking at the Valdai forum in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi, criticized the U.S. for implementing sanctions against Russia and other nations, arguing that doing so undermined trust in the dollar as the world’s universal currency.

“It’s a typical mistake of an empire,” Putin said. “An empire always thinks that it can allow itself to make some little mistakes, take some extra costs, because its power is such that they don’t mean anything. But the quantity of those costs, those mistakes inevitably grows.

“And the moment comes when it can’t handle them, neither in the security sphere or the economic sphere.”

“The demise of the United States’ global hegemony has been a recurring theme in Putin’s speeches over recent years, as the Russian president has painted his nation as leading a new world order as a rising China, along with BRIC nations Brazil and India, gain equal footing.”

“At a panel session, Putin upbraided the U.S. for its military interventions in the Middle East, saying they had arisen from a dangerous American monopoly on world power.”

While he may have ‘upbraided the U.S. on the Middle East’ he had only kind words for ‘President Trump.’

The Russian president also defended President Donald Trump, saying he didn’t agree with characterizations that Trump only listened to himself.”

Not true, Putin wants us to know-Trump also listens to Putin!

“Maybe he acts like that with someone else, but in that case they are to blame,” Putin said. “I have a completely normal and professional dialogue with him, and of course he listens. I see that he reacts to his interlocutor’s arguments.”

FN:  Andy McCabe’s revelations after his book came out make it clear this boast of Putin was far from idle-Trump clearly does listen to Putin-as opposed to his own intelligence agents-on foreign policy-North Korea, Syria, Nato, etc.

When trying to figure out the fake ‘President’s’ latest puzzling foreign policy move a good place to start is to ask what Putin told him.

By the way, this is why he has Trump in his back pocket-he knows the key to Trump’s heart is to always praise him, never blame him, always blame anyone else but him. This is how the GOP handles him as well as we saw even after the greatest political assassination attempt in American history and after the worst mass murder of Jews in American history. they are still unwilling to raise their voice to a whimper in criticism of ‘the President.’

Of course, he’s so sensitive about always being referred to as ‘the President’ because on some level he realizes his legitimacy is totally open to question. It’s why he also makes up the stories about 5 million illegal brown Hillary voters who rushed the border just to vote for her.

Like the old African American saying has it: Only the truth hurts.

As noted above, this may be the biggest security breach in American history. Not only are the Chinese listening in on extremely sensitive information-the Russians perhaps less so as Putin owns him-but Trump is discussing this very sensitive information with: yep, Sean Hannity.


Find link Mike.

Again, Satire is dead:

“U.S. officials told NBC News on Thursday that they have been concerned for months that President Donald Trump has been discussing sensitive information on an unsecured cellphone with informal advisers, including Sean Hannity of Fox News.

After the revelations of the NYT piece quoted and linked to above, other officials followed up and revealed he’s telling all this sensitive information to Sean Hannity. It’s a fact that one of Trump’s main, real advisers is indeed Hannity.

While Trump has-as usual-denied this outrageous news, Omarosa denies his denial:

A former aide to Trump — Omarosa Manigault Newman — disputed his response later Thursday, tweeting that the president “ALWAYS” used his personal iPhone in the White House “even after being told over and over again about the security risk.”

“He disliked his secure gov issued cell — he said it was slow and ‘buggy,'” she tweeted.

FN: This is probably true-he lies 73% so this was the roughly 1 in 4 times he said something true-but then this was likely why Clinton also preferred private email.

It is a fact that Trump regularly loudly  conducts foreign business on his Android at Mar-a-Lago for all the world to see. 

Regarding Hannity, as we noted in (Chapter C) Hannity basically has a desk at the Russia House. 


Then  as we see in (Chapter C) there’s Hannity’s role in the Trump-Cohen hush money saga, still little understood today. While Cohen confessed to felonies done at Trump’s direction, Hannity’s role has been unappreciated.

How true it is to say Hannity has a desk there is further underscored by all those texts he exchanged with Manafort on a daily and often hourly basis that have been recently released. 



October 28, 2016: a Day That Will Live in Infamy Copyright © by . All Rights Reserved.

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