UPDATE: POssible transfer

Not the first time Barr has ‘summarized’ investigative findings against GOP Presidents


Sarah Kendizor is so right institutions won’t save us-Bush V. Gore, the Comey Letter, the Barr Letter.


The lack of leaks in the Trump Russia investigation-contrary to both Emailgate underscores the fact that instututions won’t save us and the FBI is a very Republican place.


Yet it’s the Democrats always sucking up to the FBI. For all their trouble it’s been over 100 years and there’s still never been an actual Democratic FBI Director

The notion that life long Republicans at the FBI-including Mueller and Comey-of all people!-were going to save us was always a canard.

Again, the trouble with my party is it is so obsequious before the very institutions biased against it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease-the GOP never sucks up to the FBI in the hope that this will make it more well disposed towards the party-of course, as the FBI is GOPLand-always has been-why would that be necessary?

If there’s one thing the GOP is a pro at that the Dems could stand to learn from it’s on setting the narrative rather than simply accepting it. This is true wether dealing with the MSM or the intelligence agencies. The modern GOP’s maxim is Bill Buckley-to stand athwart history and yell ‘stop!’

The Dems is-when in Rome do as the Romans do.

But there’s the difference-the GOP aspires to be-and in many ways is-Rome.









October 28, 2016: a Day That Will Live in Infamy Copyright © by . All Rights Reserved.

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