Just saw an episode from season 1 of scandal-episode 7? What a canard-President Grant-a moderate Republican with 67% of the public demanding he resign after it’s learned he had an affair.
The wrong lesson from the Clinton impeachment
‘Have we learned nothing?’ Ex-federal prosecutor tells Democrats to impeach Trump rather than leave it to 2020 | Raw Story https://t.co/NV5LtYZ1uG via rawstory
— Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) April 30, 2019
Remember when Trump was going to support a "trillion dollar infrastructure plan" with "shipyards" and "ironworks," and build a new, trans-racial working class populism in the process, as Steve Bannon claimed?
We do.https://t.co/iZnLYpDlcL
— Greg Sargent (@GregTSargent) April 30, 2019
@ThePlumLineGS @RepSwalwell For the MSM trumpeting the idea that 'only 37% of the country supports impeachment' note that in June 1973 19% support impeaching Nixon https://t.co/9DLPQbadHq
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 30, 2019
Add to Biden chapter
What I do like about Joe is he hits Trump frontally-many of the other candidates go out of their way to avoid a direct confrontation. BUT if he opposes impeachment it's a nonstarter
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 30, 2019
My friends and fellow resisters! IMO we shouldn't donate to the DCCC till they quit opposing impeachment. Personally I'm donating only to those who support it like Warren, Kamala, @Need2Impeach or Common Dreams that support impeachment https://t.co/AiKX5BaqIf
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 30, 2019
Impeach His Sorry Ass Now – https://t.co/8Rz7UoZnea via @commondreams
— Elizabeth de la Vega (@Delavegalaw) April 30, 2019
Judith it's on us-me and you-to let the Dem Congress we elected know what we expect. They think they can kick us in the teeth and we'll still vote for them. We can be taken for granted
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 30, 2019
They can, they just won’t.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens if Pelosi sticks to her ridiculous position while Trump is completely obstructing congressional oversight. Oh to be a fly on the wall.
— Petunia Cat 🕸👩🏻🦼🍂🌨❄️🧣🔥☕️😷 (@PetuniaCatLand) April 30, 2019
My friends the system is failing us-we have the GOP co-conspirators who care about nothing but partisan advantage. The MSM just amplifies Trump's lies. The Dems are punting. I told the DCCC-call me when you quit opposing impeachment https://t.co/E7jvag1I43
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 30, 2019
This is why I told the guy from the DCCC to call me back when the Dems quit opposing impeachment
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 30, 2019
Ok so if this poll is to be believed 24% of DEMOCRATS believe Trump's lies about a border crisis. The MSM shouldn't be gloating about this-it shows they're failure to accurately inform the public https://t.co/S6CusCmyFD
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 30, 2019
2. Though the Democrats also never point this out-other than AOC
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 30, 2019
Please ‘President Trump’ proved that the GOP base ‘moral values’ are totally situational
It’s clear that Grant is supposed to sort of Clintonesque-the reason Grant hired Olivia in the first place was to
Sally the Religious Right VP
For some reason this really hit a chord with me. I’m a big fan of scandal but I thought this episode was so interesting in that it’s based on a whole bunch of MSM canards
As cynical as shows like this and House of Cards used to seem it’s now the case that our own reality of ‘President Trump’ is crazier to believe than anything Hollywood can come up with.
1. That the Religious Right Bible Belters in the 1990s were sincerely offended by Clinton’s behavior.
2. That the Clintons weren’t in love that their’s was a marriage of convenience-which is what Grant and Millie’s union is about.
At one point President Grant yells at Millie-who’s always on his case-that nobody elected you. Her retort-she gave up a legal career to help him become President.
3. That’s there’s any such thing as a ‘moderate Republican’
If you can't/won't follow through don't even start. Dems have all they need to push forward & go on offensive w/multi-pronged attack. Legislation can still be done. Intelligent people are multi-taskers. But this little push & shuffle has got to go. INVESTIGATE & IMPEACH…GO!
— Gina (@GiorgiosChild) April 29, 2019
After playing a clip of Nadler threatening a subpoena @SRuhle literally snorted 'The WH blows their nose with these subpoenas' That's stunningly blase
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 29, 2019
‘The Hillary hangover’
If Pelosi and the House don't hussle and start impeachment and hold Trump accountable it isn't going to matter who we have as a candidate. The Trump gang is making the Democrats look weak. They are capitalizing on the Mueller Report and impeachment. The law breakers will win.
— Karin Charmley.#BIDEN/HARRIS 🇺🇦🌊 (@TazKHC) April 29, 2019
2. As usual the MSM helplessly pretends to bemoan a narrative they themselves have invented
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 29, 2019