Just saw an episode from season 1 of scandal-episode 7? What a canard-President Grant-a moderate Republican with 67% of the public demanding he resign after it’s learned he had an affair.


The wrong lesson from the Clinton impeachment





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Please ‘President Trump’ proved that the GOP base ‘moral values’ are totally situational

It’s clear that Grant is supposed to sort of Clintonesque-the reason Grant hired Olivia in the first place was to


Sally the Religious Right VP

For some reason this really hit a chord with me. I’m a big fan of scandal but I thought this episode was so interesting in that it’s based on a whole bunch of MSM canards

As cynical as shows like this and House of Cards used to seem it’s now the case that our own reality of ‘President Trump’ is crazier to believe than anything Hollywood can come up with.

1. That the Religious Right Bible Belters in the 1990s were sincerely offended by Clinton’s behavior.


2. That the Clintons weren’t in love that their’s was a marriage of convenience-which is what Grant and Millie’s union is about.

At one point President Grant yells at Millie-who’s always on his case-that nobody elected you. Her retort-she gave up a legal career to help him become President.

3. That’s there’s any such thing as a ‘moderate Republican’



‘The Hillary hangover’





October 28, 2016: a Day That Will Live in Infamy Copyright © by . All Rights Reserved.

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