

It goes without saying I don’t want to believe they are, as a life long Dem I want to believe they know what they’re doing and they’ve got this. But Rick Wilson makes some hard to argue with points.

As Wilson argued on Brian Williams, Friday night, if the Democrats understood power they’d already be in court subpoenaing the full Mueller Report-rather than waiting hopefully for Mueller’s coming redacted mess.













As usual, anyone counting on the Democrats not to blow it this week was disappointed. Democrats failed to hold Barr to any meaningful account in the hearings this week, asking questions in an oblique, diffident manner that mirrored Barr’s cool affect. They whispered when they needed to shout. They threw underhand softballs when they should have brought the heat. They were lulled into a trance, still believing they can shame the shameless or trap Barr and Trump with some kind of bluff.




Heck, let’s end this chapter with another quote of Yeats:

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.


The fact the Democrats aren’t already in court to get the full, unredacted Mueller report is exactly the kind of behavior that happens in nations slipping from democracy to authoritarianism. They think this is procedural and political, not existential. There are no brakes, no white knight in DOJ to come to the rescue, and unless Democrats get the entire report in court, Barr, Trump, and Fox will write the history of this sorry affair.




A slow motion assault on the Rule of Law